Thoughts on hcg use yay or nay


New member
I'm a little unclear about whether or not to use hcg on cycle. Some guys say absolutely some don't. I've read a lot of info on here about it and it seems to be quite important. Anyone go without and recover well with clomid and nolva pct. thoughts?
HCG is more important than the PCT meds.
It is used DURING cycle, not during PCT.
U should run about 500IU-1000IU PW, it can be done in 1 shot or 2. (However it can raise e2 if u shoot 1000IU at one given moment)

Hardest part in PCT is to recover testes size. If they never shrank in the first place, then it's much easier on your body and u will recover much faster.
I personally shoot 250IU e3d since I began AAS. My testes are good size and normal.
If I choose to recover from B.C, then I'll blast HCG in ratios of 2500IU at a time EOD and then hit up the clomid/Nolva stack.
I've read that testicular atrophy may not a occur on a simple 500mg/week test e cycle? That its more advanced cycles that cause the atrophy?
I had no atrophy with a 500mg a week cycle and I recovered fast. My brother however was the opposite on the same cycle.
Hcg is a must. Not only does it aid in recovering your own natural test production but it keep your free test numbers up.