Thoughts on T3 Solo?


New member
I have a bottle of purchase peptides T3, Ive run t2 alpha before but thats the closest ive gotten. I know clen is to be only run with anabolics, what are the rules of t3? Any sides?
Clen doesn't have to be run with anabolics. If anything, t3 should be run with AAS as it's far more catabolic IMO.
As for dosing, there's tons of info out there on t3, a simple search is all you need.
Clen doesn't have to be run with anabolics. If anything, t3 should be run with AAS as it's far more catabolic IMO.
As for dosing, there's tons of info out there on t3, a simple search is all you need.

very sound advice here.^^

and to the Op I would suggest after your t3 cycle to run T3-PCT by Need to Build muscle.this supplement was made for the t3 users to help with the restore of your natural thyroid hormones .here is a link to help in your research.I def recommend using this after your t3 cycle.
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aside from T3 being catabolic, another good reason to run at least a test and gh base with it is the synergy it has. It works well in all cycles and I'd suggest it during bulking cycles even if it may not make sense to you.