to diet or not to diet


New member
I am 23 and have been training for about a year now. Over the last three months I have been trying to bulk up, taking in about 3500cal a day. My question is I realize bodybuilders bulk up in the offseason, and than start to diet about 12 weeks out, but if you dont't plan on competing should you still do cycles of dieting and bulking, or can you stick with trying to bulk up full time. thanks
You can bulk full time if you want to. It's just that with bulking you will eventually gain fat. So, it is good to cut every once and a while just to keep the body fat % down.
Rigor Mortis said:
You can bulk full time if you want to. It's just that with bulking you will eventually gain fat. So, it is good to cut every once and a while just to keep the body fat % down.

^ Exactly!! :)
i can answer this one, i was 171lbs at 5% bf during my last wrestling season, now I am 220 lbs of solid muscle, but fat tends to sneak up on you, I've been dieting and cutting for about 4 weeks and I'm down to about 212lbs and look noticabley(sp) harder and more cut. So yes it is good to cut to some degree, but it's not like you have to go "Balls to the walls" cutting and shredding. So I hope i could be some help. good luck bro.