Cycling after some years off


New member
Good afternoon guys

I wanted to get thoughts regarding on cycle after having not been on in about 3 years.

I have a couple cycles under my belt. Nothing serious, nor am I the most experienced in this area. I kept things relatively simple as far as compounds and dosage.

My main question is my first cycle ever was solely test. Is there a period of time where you go back to a test only cycle or is this really just a way to see how your body reacts and to be able to isolate a compound if needed in cycles containing more?

I am responsible and have waited to get diet/bf mainly in check. I am still probably close to 18%bf but that’s come quite a bit down from mid 20’s. I am in the gym 3-4 times a week weightlifting and then do MMA 2-3 times a week. Weekends I usually rest.

My main goal for this cycle will be to recomp. I’d like to continue burning fat but add on some more muscle mass. I will continue to rinse and repeat until I reach the point of bulking. I will be doing bloodwork this week and I am already anticipating estradiol to be higher than I would like. And I will be paying close attention to liver enzymes and decide from there whether I’d run an oral like var with it.

Any thoughts and help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance gang.
if you have not cycled in 3 years this is the perfect time to only do testosterone with an Ai, and hcg, and end it with a solid pct with nolvadex and clomid. do you bloodworks before, during and after.
since your body has aged in 3 years this is the best thing to do. and once you know how the testosterone will affect your body, labs, then your next cycle can have an aditional compound, slow and steady, instead of adding tons of compounds and then trying to figure out which is causing havoc in your bloodworks with out of control sides.
Good afternoon guys

I wanted to get thoughts regarding on cycle after having not been on in about 3 years.

I have a couple cycles under my belt. Nothing serious, nor am I the most experienced in this area. I kept things relatively simple as far as compounds and dosage.

My main question is my first cycle ever was solely test. Is there a period of time where you go back to a test only cycle or is this really just a way to see how your body reacts and to be able to isolate a compound if needed in cycles containing more?

I am responsible and have waited to get diet/bf mainly in check. I am still probably close to 18%bf but that***8217;s come quite a bit down from mid 20***8217;s. I am in the gym 3-4 times a week weightlifting and then do MMA 2-3 times a week. Weekends I usually rest.

My main goal for this cycle will be to recomp. I***8217;d like to continue burning fat but add on some more muscle mass. I will continue to rinse and repeat until I reach the point of bulking. I will be doing bloodwork this week and I am already anticipating estradiol to be higher than I would like. And I will be paying close attention to liver enzymes and decide from there whether I***8217;d run an oral like var with it.

Any thoughts and help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance gang.

and we need your stats, weight, age, height, bf% to get a better feel of how things are with you.
Great thanks, yeah I keep cycles simple anyway and do bloodwork before, during, and after.

I believe I mentioned I’ll be doing pre bloodwork this week which I’ll post once results are in.

I am responsible and familiar enough to make sure I do PCT afterwards and I usually take it a step further and don’t cycle again for at LEAST the duration of cycle + PCT.

As far as stats:
31 years old
18% bf
Get the BF down a little more with some fasted cardio, youll have more aromatase in you with that higher bf

You can do a few options

Test only

Or test and primo. 300 of each would be great
Get the BF down a little more with some fasted cardio, youll have more aromatase in you with that higher bf

You can do a few options

Test only

Or test and primo. 300 of each would be great

that bf will surely come down, to the lower teens and then you will also have less issues with sides.