to maintain, and not lose or gain?


New member
How many grams of protein per lb per day should I get to maintain muscle? right now I'm getting 1g per 1lb, but in 2 weeks I'm gonna be finishing the last round of my bulking and I'm going to want to maintain for a while and cut up a bit
1g per pound is usually the minimum, however the completeness and quality matters as well. I would not go under 1g per pound.
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Taking in the right amount of calories is the most critical part for maintaining body weight,although protein is important.
Your body adjusts to a certain level of protein intake, so you need at least roughly the same amount. But it's also easier to maintain relying primarily on "slow" sources of protein like casein rather than whey.
well I'm not at all ashamed to say, though I hope I don't catch alot of flack, I'm a vegan so I don't get any casein or whey protein. Lots of soy from milk powder and fake meats, different beans nuts, grains and seeds etc. I stay away from tofu products for the most part though because I don't want those phytoestrogens or whatever else is present and potentially bad from straight tofu products.

But anyway I weigh 195 lbs (was 160 less than 6 months ago) with 11% body fat and I have been bulking up pretty well and seeing good strength gains with 150 -200 grams of protein and 2500 + calories per day. And basically what you're saying is that I should keep up or maybe even add some protein, but cut back on the carbs and fats a bit to maintain???