To many fillers?


New member
I been talking to a couple buddies at the gym and I was telling them I take On 100% whey and they were telling me there was alot of fillers in ON and most name brand products. They said there was 4 ranks and ON was rated #4, which is the lowest. They were telling me to try NOW which make alot of health stuff. Anyone every tried NOW proteins?
PM me I can direct you to a site with HIGH Quality protein/supps in bulk where i get ALL my protein now for years. and ther cheaper then that off the shelf crap.
eg. 1LB creatine 9$! and isowhey coldfiltration i use its bout 98-99% pure protein per serving for way less then gnc like 7-9$ per 1lb depending on if there having sales ect.

but your friends are right! alot of the stuff out there has fillers and/or cheap protien blended in to try and make them more money.
always becarful and read EVERY lable.

gud luck
I've always found ON to be the best. It doesn't clump, tastes good, cheap, blah blah. Most whey protein comes from the same basic sources (liquid byproduct of cheese production, etc) The whole "micro-reverse osmosis'd-mitochondrized-gyroscope filtered" craze only pans out to slightly higher bioavailibility (often overstated by labels and advertisments)and twice the price. You can order pure whey powder, only difference is you'll be adding your own filler (i.e. fruit) to make it more drinkable and possibly healthier than the premixed stuff.

As for NOW, they are reasonably priced, cost more than ON per g/prot but not by enough to make a fuss...I don't care for the flavor, but you can always ask one of your buddies to bring you a "sample" before you go out and buy it. As a general rule if it can't mix in a shaker without clumps or doesn't taste reasonable I don't want it, but thats just me.

PS ON has some prot concentrate (the 4th best they were talking about I assume) but that is #2 behind prot iso which is the good stuff.