too much protein?

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Cavy kidd

My friend told me that an average person can only digest 40 grams of protein in one hour. And the rest is just crapped out. Is this true?
my wife is a medical specialist yada yada...and she is one of "those" who claims that we don't need additional protein in our diets, or that ingesting too much of it in a given period (day or hour) is wasteful. horseshit i say. if you need it (scrawny), then load up on FOOD, including various forms of protein. if you have calculated that you need 120grams of protein per day, then best bet is to try to spread out the ingestion of this throughout the day (i.e., 30grams every approx 4 hours) and yes, not all at once for fear it will spill out of your ass.
Its different for different people, some people can digest more than others. 50 grams may be ok for some, others get the shits.
quite interesting post... Well... in some ˝healthy˝ magazines I read that additional protein is not necessary.. over 150g goes to fat. On the other hand, all sports magazines and researches showed that 2g/kg of protein is MUST (in bodybuilding) if u wanna grow. I say GO TO HELL healthy magazines. We cant train under 150g of protein a day. PLEASE TELL ME how is it possible that someone says that the bird can fly while others say it cant fly. These two things should be cleared up from now on in this messy world.
If all that protein was really a waste, then most of us who consume high amounts of protein would be losing a shitload of weight constantly, shit the protein we shit out without digesting would leave us in a huge calorie deficit. I don't see how a BB'er is going to actually be GAINING weight on the 2000 calories a day that is left over after the 1200+ calories or protein have been shit out.

So bullcrap, I say.
i think the science behind the facts has to do with, people who are not lifting, the protein will go to waste. but people who do lift weights use the protein for muscle repair. but like said above, its different for everybody
Yeah i have heard that a person needs 1 gram of protein to grow but i guess you should get the most amount usable and your muscles will use as much as they can so your body is getting the max amount of protein it can get. Instead of just getting not enough. Better safe than sorry i guess