Traditional Chinese Medication in Obesity Management


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Obesity has become one of the most dangerous factors threating public health. Obesity has been proved to be a trigger to heart attack or some other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which are mostly fatal to us. Modern medicine has made a great effort to fight with obesity and try to produce certain medicine in order to control weight.

In traditional Chinese medical science, herbs were considered and proved to be useful to fight obesity. In their opinion obesity is result from something which jammed or been stuck in patients***8217; body and cannot eject. Bitter melon, green tea, lotus leaf and seed, cassia seeds and other kind of herbs are considered and used to treat obesity and eliminate the accumulating fat in patients***8217; body. Moreover, these herbs will cause little side effect comparing with the chemical synthesized medicine and cheaper access to the raw material. And nowadays, some slimming medicines are made from the extract of various herbs, such as Meizitang (reference: Herbs are extracted at a low temperature (below 100 degrees Celsius) to preserve essential ingredients. The extracted liquid is then further condensed and a bit of raw herb powder from one of the herbal ingredients is mixed in to form herbal dough. This dough is then machine cut into tiny pieces, a small amount of excipients are added for a smooth and consistent exterior, and they are spun into pills. This medicine producing technology is widely applied in China, and produces all kind of medicines and drugs besides obesity management medicine, which are called Chinese patent medicine.