Treating Existing Gyno During Mild PH Cycle?


New member
I got a small case of gyno last year (confirmed by an endocrinologist) during post cycle therapy (pct) from a M1-4ADD cycle. The painful, hard lumps surprisingly went away on their own without treatment, but I have been left with puffy/pointed nipples. I'm also in the process of recovering from an unrelated surgery on my spine and wanting to start a very mild halodrol cycle to help me get back where I was before the injury, but am looking to simultaneously treat the remaining gyno.

What would be the best way to go about this? I've looked around and gathered a few ideas of which AIs to run and what not, but wanted to get a few responses to my exact situation to make sure I'm not missing anything before I go ahead with it.
Youre trying to do too much at once. I would get back to where you were naturally. Good diet and training will spark muscle memory and get you right back where you were in no time and you won't waste a ph cycle getting there. Just work hard.

You shouldnt be gyno killing on a cycle but you shouldn't be cycling with gyno. Running a cycle with gyno will inevitably make it worse. No good will come of it. And combating gyno on cycle means crushing estro on cycle which means little or no gains. So it's pointless. Kill the gyno, get back to where you were before surgery, keep training and diet on point, then you can cycle.