Tren Ace 100mg (50ml), Sustanon 300mg (20ml), Sustanon 500mg (10ml)


Cool As Fuck
So day 5 into cycle. I'm pinning ed 50mg tren and 150mg sust twice a week (doubling sust next week). Experiencing heavy sweating, higher aggression and substantial strength gain even gained 1.5lb.

Eating daily:
2 bowls raisin bran
2-3 6oz meatballs with tomato sauce
130g fresh raw vegetables
Some fried rice and pad Thai
Some lobster meat
Chicken breast
Couple duck pot stickers
5-10 gnocchi
Occasional baby back rib
Occasional flat bread piece (small)
Handful of wild mushrooms
Greek yogurt
Granola bars

And other random stuff.

Also taking protein drink every day with creatine

Also eat other random stuff like bananas and other fruits. Pretty much whatever is around. (Btw I'm a chef so the food sources are quite vast)

Workout 5-6 days a week I try to isolate 1-2 muscle groups each session at the gym so I spend between 1-2h a time working out.
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So day 5 into cycle. I'm pinning ed 50mg tren and 150mg sust twice a week (doubling sust next week). Experiencing heavy sweating, higher aggression and substantial strength gain even gained 1.5lb.

Eating daily:
2 bowls raisin bran
2-3 6oz meatballs with tomato sauce
130g fresh raw vegetables
Some fried rice and pad Thai
Some lobster meat
Chicken breast
Couple duck pot stickers
5-10 gnocchi
Occasional baby back rib
Occasional flat bread piece (small)
Handful of wild mushrooms
Greek yogurt
Granola bars

And other random stuff.

Also taking protein drink every day with creatine

I would put the sweating down to the tren I pin 500mg of sus a week with no problems, but other people might disagree
The reason I went with 2 pins a week was due to the short eaters in it. Last time I used sustanon I only did once a week. I don't mind pinning myself so doesn't make a difference if I do one extra time a week. The sweating I got to slow down a bit after not eating carbs 5h before bed. But I really don't mind the sweating, anxious to see how I look like in a month as I'm also going to up my tren dose to 70-100mg ed in 3 or so weeks