tren ace/test cyp first cycle, need help


New member
hey guys im about to start my first tren ace cycle along with test cyp, im 26 years old and have previous experience with cycles (nothing crazy). i have run sus250 at 750 a week and methyl tren (stupid as all hell i know, a body builder friend put me on 750mcgs methyl tren as a first cycle). ive had several test cycles in the past few years, basically im looking for advice, this is my first post ever on a site, the more i look online the more mixed reviews i hear and its been confusing to say the least. my cycle looks like.
tren ace 75mg eod (250 a week)
test cyp at 250 a week
arimidex and letro if needed to combat prolactin
nolvadex planned for pct
basically im concerned with the sides ive heard about even running at a low dose of 250mg (i plan to bump up as cycles progresses if the sides allow) i had no sides runnning methyl tren and no real sides from test (slight aggression rarely)
im looking for any basic advice or experiance on this cycle or tren ace in general, slightly nervous jumping into this one. i plan on running test 2 week prior to the tren in order to get my system going to avoid total shut down and run test for the duration of tren use, then continue test for a month post tren. so my cycle will look like (week 1 thru 12) test cyp 250mg, (week 3 thru 10) tren ace 75 eod. most likely jump as i go.

my stats right now,
height 5'11
weight 178lbs
body fat 7.1%
been lifting off and on for 10 years

my goals for this cycle is lean mass build. ideally i would like to jump to 190 pounds and keep my body fat under 9%.
any advice is needed and welcomed guys, this is a big jump for me, also please be nice guys i know im asking a lot but im going to run this anyways and really really would like some help, support and constructive feedback! thank you all.
I'm starting to feel like a broken record.

Insulin isn't the end all be all super anabolic hormone people keep reading about. It's the FOOD that is consumed that is. Insulin just allows you to put it to use if utilized properly.

You won't see anything from your proposed cycle, nor do you need it. Aside from a very specific (and dangerous) purpose, insulin is used to allow ridiculous amounts of nutrients (read: 3-8k cals above maintenance) into the body during a bulk. Unless you're planning on doing this, you're just taking an unnecessary risk.
I'm starting to feel like a broken record.

Insulin isn't the end all be all super anabolic hormone people keep reading about. It's the FOOD that is consumed that is. Insulin just allows you to put it to use if utilized properly.

You won't see anything from your proposed cycle, nor do you need it. Aside from a very specific (and dangerous) purpose, insulin is used to allow ridiculous amounts of nutrients (read: 3-8k cals above maintenance) into the body during a bulk. Unless you're planning on doing this, you're just taking an unnecessary risk.

Great info. Wrong thread!
I'd say you need to gain some more weight natty first. 5'11", 178lbs is pretty slim dog. At your age with proper diet you should be able to put on a considerable amount of weight still...natty. As mentioned above, that is a pretty low dose of tren but it doesn't matter in your case as your not ready for tren yet. Eat, lift, gain then come back and we can help you build a cycle best for you. (After of course you read up, research.). Fuck going online for mixed reviews. Stay on this site and read up on the "sticky" threads. Good luck!
congratulations, at your height 190lbs is completely achievable and you won't need steroids to get there! That you NEED steroids to get there means you have issues with your training and diet.

Also, 7.1% bodyfat is slightly leaner than me right now and I'm competing in IFBB state titles in 4 weeks. Please share how you got that number and show us a picture (don't need face) if you don't have dexa scan results.

lextro and adex (AIs) are aromatase inhibitors, in that they block the aromatization of test into est. They help prolactin in that they nip the issue in the bud, by stopping the catalyst for high prolactin issues. What I;m saying is that AI are used ALL THE TIME on cycle and proper use means prolactin never becomes an issue. Imagine buying insurance just when you got into a car accident....

Also, dopamine agonists such as prami are used for high prolactin when not already ameliorated by AI use.

as for your shut down comments, it's obvious you really don't know what you;re talking about. as soon as you inject tren, you;'re shut down. That's it. It's a harsh 19-nor that completely shuts you down from the get-go. Just because you're injecting test doesn't stop you being shut down. If that was the case you wouldn't need PCT. Injecting test shuts you down. When introducing exogenous testosterone (and it's derivatives) into your body, you'll shut yourself down. Pill, oil, gel, you name it...shut down.

also, if you think you'll ever get sides from test, you have issues with your cycles. Test makes people happier, as long as they don't crash their e2 by running AI too high, or letting estrogen build up and then get a man's version of PMS. Tren can aggravate people and shorten their temper, however, being a genuine human being should stop that. It's the same excuse that drunks use when beating their wives...blaming the substance rather than their character defects.

ok, that was a lot more issues in one post than I've needed to correct in a long time, so I'd summarize by saying: hang around, hold off on the cycle, post your diet, macros, calories etc in the diet section and learn their first. No need to play "hormonal rollercoaster" when you could save money by just running a good food cycle, and then saving the test and tren for when you really need it and have maxed out your body naturally.

PCT is standardized through clomid AND nolva use. Clomid is really the main ingedient. Your PCT doesn't involve that.