tren base


New member
Anyone got any ideas of how i could brew up some tren base? Im running tren base along with test base....What BA/BB ratio should i use? Im planning on making it oil based since i dont want to mess with suspension due to having the stuff in multidose vials
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Bases have always intrigued me. Why you runnin bases man, testing? I think FTC was gonna try a little tren base and PEG experiment and tell us how it goes. If I were to go in blindly Id use 50% PEG, 20%BB, 2%BA, rest oil/hormone.
I want to run bases due to testing that might come up im playing it safe really...
I was thinking of doing the tren up like this....

Dose: 50mg/ml

2g powder
25.3ml oil
3ml BA
10ml BB

I got the above recipie somewhat from this TNE recipie......
as for Test no ester:
Originally posted by Chemical Evolution.

100mg\ml 100 ml

1) 10grams of Test no ester
2) 10ml BA
3) 10ml BB
4) 70ml peg

Measure the powder out to 10.0 grams pour in a beaker or vial, which ever you choose. Mix BA,BB and peg with the powder. Then you heat the solution until all the powder is dissolved. Then you filter it in a sterile vial and let cool. I have filtered when hot and cool and it flows easy while it is warm. After it cools down you are ready to inj. a painless TNE.
If that tren base holds let me know! I have wasted about 25g thus far trying to make a solution, but then again I am a

I am gonna run the rest in a cream come spring/summer
you're f'in telling I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed...initially thought I had acetate, until I 2x checked...I fucked up big can bet your home I wont do that again!

Anyhow, I kept all the fuck up material as if I can salvage it...gunk in oil, maybe Giambi and Bonds are looking for the next BALCO...:)
gymphreak said:
Anyone got any ideas of how i could brew up some tren base? Im running tren base along with test base....What BA/BB ratio should i use? Im planning on making it oil based since i dont want to mess with suspension due to having the stuff in multidose vials

oil dont have anything to do with whether its a suspension or solution.

did your test base hold in solution? is so, theres your sarting point.

tren is fickle. esp base.
why in the fuck you guys using base for anything? am i missing something? are yall just messing around abit or is there a reason?
mine.....i may be gettin tested, so i wanna have my tren base and test base in me so i can just get on a 10 weeker and be over with it after that...
yea i was thinking the same thing bc no matter the ester its still gonna be in ur system for 4-5 months but i will say i have seen it posted 4-5 weeks. better safe than sorry
I thought the half life of tren is like 5 days? so figuring out the dispersing rate, i figured the metabolites would be out of the system no longer than 2 weeks?
this one that Lawnsaver posted awhile back:

Detection times for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS)

Detection times for AAS!!!
Boldenone Undecyclenate 4-5 months
Clen 4-5 Days
Ephedrin 6-10 Days
Halo 2 months
Proviron 5 weeks
D-Bol 5 weeks
Methamphetamin 6-10 Days
Primo Depot 4-5 weeks
Deca 18 months
Nandrolon Phenylprop 12 months
Anavar 3 weeks
Anadrol 2 months
Winny oral 3 weeks
Winny inj 2 months
Test cyp 3 months
Test enat 3 months
Sustanon 3 months
Test Prop 2-3 weeks
Andriol 1 week
Tremolon Acet 4-5 weeks <------------------------is this right??
Test supspenison No metabolites. t/e should
be back to normal in days.

Factors which influence the detection times
Fluid intake
Tolerance to the drug
Frequency of intake
Duration of intake
Body fat
Potency of drug
Its correct my friend. Nor based roids are a bitch. Deca, tren...not freindly to the tested athelete. Even aboms stick with you for a couple months. I dont know much about whats good for tested atheletes though..
i have seen the tren ace at 4-5 months. but test susp, test prop, dbol and anavar if you are getting tested. recently i have found that alot of these athletes don't give a shit about testing bc they are so leint. and this is a d1aa school we are talking about. a kid on my team failed bc he has naturally high testerone levels and they asked him to take the test again.