tren e/ test e/ dbol


New member
tren e 200 mg/ml
test e 250 mg/ml
dbol 75 mg /ml

would someone give me a hand on how much/how often to pin tren?
going to be starting soon, will be doing 1000 mg a week of test, 500mg 2x a week, and 75 mg a day for the first 6 weeks,not sure on how much tren to add to this, will be doing a 10week. assistance will be greatly appreciated.:nerd:
ok,i was hoping i wouldnt have to type all this up but here it goes i know ppl want exact details b4 responding lol
32 will b 33 when i start next cycle (jan) weight right now 223lbs 5'6" been lifting hard and dieting harder for 5-6 years, this would be my 5-6th cycle since i started, last cycle lasted 18 weeks, last pin was around aug, clomid 50mg a day for 20 days, been off ever since, was running test e 500mg a week, 75 mg anavar ed, dbol 75mg a day ed

i plan on upping my t this time around to 1000mg a week, dbol will take the same 75mg ed, unless someone recommends otherwise, was informed tren e to be taken 2x a week at 400 mg a week, just wanna double check and get a 2nd opinion if that sounds about right for the 1st time pinning tren e,
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i would lower the test dosage down to 500-750mg max a week tren is strong stuff bro and will bump you good no need to overdo it, ig of test a week is quite alot i think youll be happy with a lower dosage. Id inject the tren e twice a week. and prob run it at 500mg test/400mg tren. If its your 1st tren run thatll be fine, can also mix the two and shoot together. I think you might benefit if you run the cycle longer like 12/14 weeks better than running a 10wker with a higher dosage.
Run your cycle like this buddy and ensure you are protected and safe.
1-12 Test e 500mg/wk split mon/thursday
1-10 Tren e 400mg/wk split mon/thursday
1-4/6 Dbol
1-10 N2Guard. (organ protection, liver sup, Bp control etc)
2-12 aromasin 12.5 eod (deals with the eastrogen on cycle)
1-10 caber .5mg x2 week (deals with prolactin on cycle)
6-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500ius x2 week
14-17 Clomid 25/25/25/25
14-17 Nolva 20/20/20/20 (serm dosages low as they increase prolactin)
14-19 Forma stanzol (keeps eastro at good level and deals with rebound, increases free test, again up to you by i always use it))
14-19 daa (test booster helps alot, up to you tho)
i would lower the test dosage down to 500-750mg max a week tren is strong stuff bro and will bump you good no need to overdo it, ig of test a week is quite alot i think youll be happy with a lower dosage. Id inject the tren e twice a week. and prob run it at 500mg test/400mg tren. If its your 1st tren run thatll be fine, can also mix the two and shoot together. I think you might benefit if you run the cycle longer like 12/14 weeks better than running a 10wker with a higher dosage.
Run your cycle like this buddy and ensure you are protected and safe.
1-12 Test e 500mg/wk split mon/thursday
1-10 Tren e 400mg/wk split mon/thursday
1-4/6 Dbol
1-10 N2Guard. (organ protection, liver sup, Bp control etc)
2-12 aromasin 12.5 eod (deals with the eastrogen on cycle)
1-10 caber .5mg x2 week (deals with prolactin on cycle)
6-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500ius x2 week
14-17 Clomid 25/25/25/25
14-17 Nolva 20/20/20/20 (serm dosages low as they increase prolactin)
14-19 Forma stanzol (keeps eastro at good level and deals with rebound, increases free test, again up to you by i always use it))
14-19 daa (test booster helps alot, up to you tho)

whoa thanks bro more thn i ever expected as help, thanks!!!!
I like nick's advice, but is this your first run with tren? If so you may wanna start around 200 to 300 mg a week until the sides hit. It will take a couple weeks most likely. If it's fine then bump to 400...just my opionion. I say this because i dont react well with tren. Best of luck friend !