Tren question


New member
IF I only had 10ml tren 200 available, would I be best off doing 400ml per week for 5 weeks or 300 ml per week for 6 weeks? If 300/6 weeks is better, Would the difference be enough to be worth the trouble of switching to 300?
I know that's short for tren, as it's Tren E. However, If people do like 250/week for 8 weeks with results is that not similar to doing the same amount (2000mg) over 4 weeks in double the dose?
Not the same thing at all as the ester is enanthate and you will only start to see results starting in week 5 or 6 with trenE same as test E.
If it were tren A it would be a whole different story
I know how enanthates work but I think that's a bit exaggerated, If you're taking in the same amount in double the dosage in half the time, then how could it not start taking affect sooner?
It's not exaggerated. I can see you haven't taken in any advice to shy away from Tren as a first cycle nor did you do proper research. I'm done with you!! I can't say this enough. YOU don't know how to cycle nor are you listening to advice. So just take your tren E for 6 weeks then. Good luck. You will need it.
Saying test is the base for all cycles is absurd. There are entire schools of thought that use tren more or less in place of test.
Saying test is the base for all cycles is absurd. There are entire schools of thought that use tren more or less in place of test.

Now you think you know everything. Hilarious. Please learn the basics first before you even start spewing this BS out of your mouth. Read your first thread on here. You have 9mls of tren E and you started cycling. Enough said. You wanted to run tren, EQ, Adrol, and Sus (2mls of Sustanon (sust) by the way. Lol). Enough said. You wanted to run this gear for 30 days. Enough said. You wanted to utilize 2mls of Sustanon (sust) for your cycle. Enough said. You don't mention post cycle therapy (pct) at all. Enough said. You are a joke.
I know how enanthates work but I think that's a bit exaggerated, If you're taking in the same amount in double the dosage in half the time, then how could it not start taking affect sooner?

Its not exaggerated its science, there is a such thing called front loading but it requires alot more than double the dosage and you will only see effects about a week earlier with the enanthate ester so either way your train of thought is not valid. Tren will shut you down thats why everyone that knows anything runs test with it, even if its just a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test to replace your natural production. Good luck with tren dick and prolactin sides if you frontload tren without caber or prami
Where's the popcorn? This is like watching a train wreck in slow motion...

Five bucks says he's a youngster on top of it all. I WANT DEM GAINZ AND DUN CARE WAT YOU OLD FELLERS SAY.

See you in a few weeks OP, ya know - when you're making a thread about how your nipples are pissing milk and your penis no longer works. Sounds like good times to me. :bigok:
Where's the popcorn? This is like watching a train wreck in slow motion...

Five bucks says he's a youngster on top of it all. I WANT DEM GAINZ AND DUN CARE WAT YOU OLD FELLERS SAY.

See you in a few weeks OP, ya know - when you're making a thread about how your nipples are pissing milk and your penis no longer works. Sounds like good times to me. :bigok:

Give him the benefit of the doubt halfwit maybe they had a kid and he wants to help out with the breast feeding. Ya know take a little of the load off the wife
Why do you even ask when you don't listen. Mid as well just do it and ask why your all fucked up and why tren didn't do shit after the cycle