trt/aas histort and questions


intermediate wannabe
Hello everyone,
this is my first thread, I have been in and around the this site reading and studying for a few years though.
I thought It's about time I introduced myself.
I am 30 years old and have been training since the junior high off and on, more on than off for the past five or six years, I am 6'2" and around 250 lbs at 10% bf
I waited until I had reached my absolute natural physical limit before ever trying aas.
I studied for at least a full year before ever trying a cycle and have only done one cycle in my life, that was about a year and a half ago. I used test prop for the entire cycle (ouch) one inject dialy of 100 mgs. I figured given my already well over 200 pound stature that 700 a week could'nt hurt too bad, it was a decent ten-week cycle bringing about ten pounds of sustainable mass in the end. I did strict post cycle therapy (pct) involving clomid and hgc.
After about six months, my energy level and libido had subsided too such miserably low levels, I decided to go have my test checked out, my t levels were rediculously low... I was shut down hard. The doctor had me try various therapies, more hcg, herbal, nothing worked, not one bit.
So, that was that, andropause at 29!
I have been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for about a year now, Androgel, it's a good product and it has managed to keep my t at mid-normal levels using the smallest dose. I would recommend it, provided your insurance covers it.
The moral of my rant is: know the risks before using aas, Had I known I would be shut down for life after one basic cycle, would I never have done it? Na, I probaby would have, I was bound and determined to break the plateau that I had hit for three years prior, and it worked! As for the side-effects, the risks, thats for each person to decide for themselves I suppose.

I have a question too. I am going to try fina this year and I was curios, for someone like me, with no hope of ever having any natural test of my own, Is there excessive risk in running tren for say 15 to 20 weeks instead of the usual 8-10? I suppose the bright side of being shut down would be less need for concern over post cycle therapy (pct) would it not? I mean, I would just have to simply go back to my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (which would be considerably stockpiled if discontinued during aas use) in the end, right?
Should I continue to use the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) during the cycle to stave off sexual sides?
I know, its more like twenty questions but at least I'm asking them in the best place on the web to ask, Thanks.
quick answer. if you are going to run tren, then stay on your test with it. as for the length of the tren run... typically i run it until my body feels like i cant stand it anymore. you will know when this is. i typically can only seem to run about 75 - 100mg EOD for about 6 weeks then i need to come off and take a break. the sides just get to bad for me.