TRT or Cycle + Jump Start HPTA


New member
Hi all,

26 Male, 6'2 190 14% BF

I ran a course of Ostarine a year ago which very well may have been bunk or a PH. I got bloodwork done and it TOTALLY tanked my TT down to 145, and my HDL/LDL got really messed up.

I read that it was not suppressive at all so i planned a "natural PCT", felt like crap and have had low libido since. My TT came up to 586 as of a couple months ago, but my free T is low 11 (9.3-26.5 range).

My SHBG is very high, I've had it tested 3 times and it is always around 60-80 (55 is the high limit for the range). I think my libido and muscle gain is very slow due to SHBG binding up my Free T. I have tried every herbal/natural supplement out there in the attempt to lower my SHBG with no luck.

I've read that Test Cycles/TRT lowers SHBG.

I have never done "steroids" besides SARMS(ostarine or whatever was in there). I was thinking of trying a cycle of Test E cycle 500mg every week for 12 weeks + 500mcg hCG weekly(split) + arimidex 0.25 EOD, and then a PCT of nolva/clomid to see if it will lower my SHBG and restart my HPTA.

I would obviously cut first to around 10-12% BF so I can clean bulk while running it.

Any thoughts?

your bloods are all out of whack and you want to start a cycle now? have you donate blood?
you better get your levels sorted out before you pin more hormones into you.
"Guys I have a problem and I want to make it worse"..

Bro this is what you just said in a nutshell. No one here will be a "yes" man for you and tell you to do more drugs when you haven't even figured out your current situation.
I have tried Stinging Nettle, Inhibit-P, Boron, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, Multi-Vitamin, 7-Keto DHEA, Pregnenalone, Tongkat Ali, Fish Oil/Omega 3, Bulbine Natalensis, and GHRP 2 + CJC w/o DAC(supposed to raise LH)

Also tried all sorts of other supplements that aren't related but were a shot in the dark(TUDCA, CoQ10, etc)

The ostarine I took (or whatever it was) actually did bring my SHBG down from about 65 to 11(LOW on the range actually) and I felt great while I was on it, until I came off and that's when everything went bad and the SHBG rebounded.

Prolactin was Normal but higher range (14.0 on a scale of 4.0-15.2)

I'm not looking for "someone to say yes" and I'm not stubborn. Based on what people are saying it sounds like a good idea to stay away from steroids for awhile, so I will. Just pretty desperate to get my libido and recovery back.
If anything, stop putting so many different random OTC stuff inside of you.
Stick to the basics... Omega 3, bvitamin, dvitamin, magnesium, one multivitamin. Thats all you need and even that might be to much depending on bloodwork.

What were your E2 values ?
You could try doing a standard PCT and see if that works out for you. I don't feel experienced enough to recommend a protocol for you, but thats probably where I would start myself.
My E2 is consistently on the lower side, the last two tests have shown 15, and 17 (can't remember the exact lab range but I think it was something like 13-44 or similar). I was considering doing some sort of PCT, but saw a few studies showing that Nolva and Clomid both raise SHBG, so I wasn't really sure if that was a good option or not. My prolactin is slightly on the higher side if that makes a big difference, tested at 14 twice (maximum is 15 on the lab range)
My E2 is consistently on the lower side, the last two tests have shown 15, and 17 (can't remember the exact lab range but I think it was something like 13-44 or similar). I was considering doing some sort of PCT, but saw a few studies showing that Nolva and Clomid both raise SHBG, so I wasn't really sure if that was a good option or not. My prolactin is slightly on the higher side if that makes a big difference, tested at 14 twice (maximum is 15 on the lab range)

You could take something to lower your shbg. I googled quickly and boron is one option. Dvitamin, omega3 and magnesium are other ones.
But I think if you fix the root cause your SHBG levels will even out naturally and that would be doing a real PCT and do a real recovery.
Most importantly...stay off all the random "miracle" off the counter supplements you've been taken. Really.... Stick to the basics, eat healthy, exercise, get good consistent sleep....

Worst case scenario.......
Maybe try something like this, would be a standard kickstart PCT:
500 iu HCG everyday for 10 days
AFTER the 10 days HCG you'll go on clomid and nolva.
50mg clomid every day for 45 days
20mg nolvadex every day for 45 days

15 days after stopping clomid/nolva, follow up with bloodwork check all values and update here :)
Do you have blood work before you started everything ? So you got a reference value or are you guessing ?
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