TRT plus cycle?? How to PCT with clomid


New member
I've been on TRT (test cyp 200mg/wk) for about 18 months. All my levels are balanced and in range. I've had friends on TRT also do full anabolic cycles on top of their TRT... Is this possible?? I've thought about it myself but can't find lots of cycle info for adding to a TRT protocol. Besides test c, I take clomid 50mg/3x a week. Here's a cycle I would run, but unsure how it needs to be adjusted based on what I already take?

Test 500mg/wk
Deca 350mg/wk
Nolva 20mg/day

My biggest confusion comes with how to use the Clomid. Would I stop it altogether until a few weeks after my last pin? Would I continue it and just increase it for PCT? Any alterations or experience/advice is welcome. Thanks!
I've been on TRT (test cyp 200mg/wk) for about 18 months. All my levels are balanced and in range. I've had friends on TRT also do full anabolic cycles on top of their TRT... Is this possible?? I've thought about it myself but can't find lots of cycle info for adding to a TRT protocol. Besides test c, I take clomid 50mg/3x a week. Here's a cycle I would run, but unsure how it needs to be adjusted based on what I already take?

Test 500mg/wk
Deca 350mg/wk
Nolva 20mg/day

My biggest confusion comes with how to use the Clomid. Would I stop it altogether until a few weeks after my last pin? Would I continue it and just increase it for PCT? Any alterations or experience/advice is welcome. Thanks!

Yes, many guys who are on TRT run cycles. It is referred to as Blasting and Cruising. Just make sure you don't do this when you might have to submit blood work to your doctor.

Since you are on TRT there is no need for PCT. Your HPTA is already broken. You have no Natty T to recover. So when you are done with your "blast" you simply return to your TRT protocol.

So no clomid or Nolva should be used. The only caveat is that if you are gyno prone you could run some nolva or Ralox as an "insurance policy".

Why are you using Clomid as part of your TRT protocol?

Do you use hCG while on TRT?

Why haven't you included an AI in your Blast protocol?

Do you know how to get private blood work and what labs to run?

Since this is your fist cycle/blast, drop the Deca. Just test your first time. You need to learn how to manage sides at that test dose first.

If you insist on using Deca as well, why haven't you included a dopamine agonist?

How long will you run this for?

What are your goals?

What will your diet macros be?

Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %? Years training?
Thanks for your response, these are good questions you have. Let me get to some...

This is my 4th cycle, but it's been quite a few years... I've used test/deca before, but I'm not hellbent on it if just the test is a better idea.

I have arimidex and prami on hand if side effects are seen, I also have Nolva, which was going to be my insurance policy.

My doc had me trialing a sublingual HCG for the past 6 months, but there really wasn't a huge difference to me between managing side effects or benefits seen between the clomid I was taking before and the hcg I was trialing - so she recently put me back on clomid, but wrote a prescription to continue the hcg if I wanted.

I'm 5 months out from more bloodwork from my doctor, so I should be good there. I have read many threads on here on how to obtain bloodwork and which labs to run, so I should be set there.

So I'll just drop the clomid completely then. Should I pursue staying on hcg during my cycle - or just as part of my TRT protocol? Also, would I run the 500mg on top of my already 200mg of test? or just the overall amount?

Thanks again.
I was going to run test for 12 weeks, deca for 11.

Goals are a moderate bulk right now. Estimating around 4000 calories would make macros near 220g protein, 110g fat, 450-500g carbs/ day.

I'm 6'2", 218 lbs, 34 years old and have 12% BF. I've been training for 15 years.
Thanks for your response, these are good questions you have. Let me get to some...

This is my 4th cycle, but it's been quite a few years... I've used test/deca before, but I'm not hellbent on it if just the test is a better idea.

I have arimidex and prami on hand if side effects are seen, I also have Nolva, which was going to be my insurance policy.

My doc had me trialing a sublingual HCG for the past 6 months, but there really wasn't a huge difference to me between managing side effects or benefits seen between the clomid I was taking before and the hcg I was trialing - so she recently put me back on clomid, but wrote a prescription to continue the hcg if I wanted.

I'm 5 months out from more bloodwork from my doctor, so I should be good there. I have read many threads on here on how to obtain bloodwork and which labs to run, so I should be set there.

So I'll just drop the clomid completely then. Should I pursue staying on hcg during my cycle - or just as part of my TRT protocol? Also, would I run the 500mg on top of my already 200mg of test? or just the overall amount?

Thanks again.

Wait, your doctor has you on clomid WITH exogenous testosterone injections? What is the purpose of this? It won't stimulate testicular function, and may actually cause you more problems than anything as it prevents your hypothalamus from seeing estradiol...

It will prevent gyno sure, but nothing for that prostate or venous issues and blood pressure that high estradiol will bring to the table.

I know you stated you're going to drop the clomid, but I'd seriously be looking for a new doctor, or at least pick up the slack on their part and supplement your own AI.

I'd seriously question any doctor that prescribes sublingual HCG too, as the only form I know of is injectable. The stuff found in stores isn't HCG, and is completely garbage. Unless maybe a compounding pharmacy makes it? It would have to be methylated though, I would imagine, and therefore hard on the liver.

My .02c :)
I honestly didn't even know they made a sublingual hCG. Have you tried injectable hCG? Most of us on TRT run 250-500iu twice a week. Just take it with your normal Test injections.

Sounds like you have the rest figured out! I would say you are good to go. Deca is your choice; but if it has been a while since you last cycled I would recommend just test this go around. And you will most likely need an AI. .25mg of adex eod would be a good place to start Day 1. Adjust based on your mid-cycle blood work results. Let us know how it goes and if you need anything else.
Awesome info you guys, I really appreciate it. The HCG SL was a trial by a compounding pharmaceutical company. I've never been on injectable HCG. They started me on adex and clomid originally, but had me cut the adex and see how symptoms changed. I haven't had any side effects for about 12 months that I'm off of it - but I may need to look further into injectable hcg as most of my friends who TRT do use it and think it's best for them in many ways (lab results and issues with blood pressure seemed to respond better to hcg inj they said). I'll add the adex at .25mg eod and see how this goes. I'm still iffy on the deca, and I appreciate your advice on just going test this time around. And I also feel better prepared to talk to my doc about hcg.

Thanks again!
I would also recommend a daily 5-10mg dose of cialis. It is beneficial in so many ways. Lowers BP which is good while blasting. Prostate health. Pumps in the gym. And rock hard boners to boot. Many guys order it from RUI -- their banner ad is at the top of the screen.
I would also recommend a daily 5-10mg dose of cialis. It is beneficial in so many ways. Lowers BP which is good while blasting. Prostate health. Pumps in the gym. And rock hard boners to boot. Many guys order it from RUI -- their banner ad is at the top of the screen.

Ah how I love that stuff, anywhere from 3-5mg works great for me. If you get severe back pain from it just dial back a bit, at 9mg I could barely stand up.