TRT Week 1. Question about hcg


I am banned!
Took my first shot of T this past Sunday-250 Sustanon. I'm starting off with Sustanon because that's what I could get. I'll be switching to Test C once it arrives in the mail. Plan on taking 250mg/week initially and go 125mg 2x/week if that is not stable enough. I have a hard time getting pins here because they're strictly regulated. I have 18 to start with.

I'm starting TRT because I have no sex drive, low energy and unstable moods. I was diagnosed 3 years ago (287 total, along with no sperm) and put on Clomid. I've done everything I can to raise my test naturally. I've lost 30 pounds, get good sleep, eat well (lots of good fat) etc. Now I workout 5x week powerlifting and 3x week cardio. But my T is still low even on Clomid and my testicles are atrophied- no past AAS use either. My "loads" are pathetically small.

I'm planning on taking hcg 250iu 2x/week and having Armidex on hand in case E levels go up. Does this seem reasonable? The hcg is so that I don't completely lose any chance of being able to have a biological kid, so that my junk works better and hopefully to elevate my mood/libido.

The first pin to my quad resulted in serious PIP for about 24 hours then good after that. Too soon to notice any effects of the T, but I have started to notice women looking really good.

The doc I am consulting with wants me to try hcg only therapy at 1000iu-2000iu 2x/wk. I've read even if it does raise my T it won't have the same benefits as T injections. Also, won't that high of a dose raise my E levels?

I'm a total noob so go easy on me, eh?
Do you have Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism? hCG will only benefit you if you fall into the latter category. Given that you were on clomid, I am guess you are Secondary but I just want to check.

I use hCG as part of my TRT -- as do many of us here. Typical hCG doses are 250-500iu twice a week.
The first pin to my quad resulted in serious PIP for about 24 hours then good after that. Too soon to notice any effects of the T, but I have started to notice women looking really good.

The pain is normal for your first injections into virgin muscle. Your muscles are not used to having a volume of liquid added into them and they have to move about to make room for it. I found Steroidology because my doctor did not advise me to expect that pain and I frantically searched the Internet for info about it. Found it was normal and expected. As you rotate your injection areas, you will get it from each new area at least once, maybe twice, and then it will not happen again (or almost never again). Just keep that in mind if you are going to use a new leg muscle prior to leg day...

Oh, and you are just noticing that a great many Japanese women look good? :: shakes my head ::
A quick search on BD's website found this guide on needle reuse. A person should NOT reuse them, but if they have to here is how.

There is also a video on a major video hosting site that details how to inject hcg with cyp in the same syringe. A person should not do this either, but if they have to here is how. Its from a competing board so I wont post the link without the mods permission. If you want to find it search for "How to use HCG with Testosterone" its got around 62k views, that should be enough info to find it. Good luck.
Mega- based on pre treatment levels the endo isn't sure whether I'm primary or secondary. I guess the hcg outcome may shed some light?