True Protrein


New member
I'm wondering if i should buy my protein at TP web site.Any feedback with the quality of their products?taste?mix?

Can i mix something out over there to make a type of mrp?
Do you use their pre mix formula?

Thanks for the help.
top quality products, and the taste of the BSL flavors is second only to muscle milk. Their customer service is some of the best ive ever dealt with. Different proteins mix differently. WPI dissolves pretty much instantly, while casein on the other hand tends to gum up no matter what.

yes you can mix whatever you want to make an MRP.

I dont use their pre mix formula, i generally only use WPI ion exchange, but their mixes are great.

If you order from them, the discount code in my sig will get you 5% off every order.
Suareezay said:

Exactly what i was thinking.

Thanks for the answer,do you take it in bags? I guess that the protein is good for the same amount of time than the one you buy at the store.
i usually get the jugs, but the bags are fine. When i get bags i just re-use old jugs or containers i got from the store.

yes, it will keep the same amount of time.
it all depends, although its no different than any other mail order product. it takes a few days for me b/c im on the opposite coast from them (theyre in Cali).

btw...whatd you end up ordering?
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takes me about 3-4 weeks to get mine, but i'm in another continent. because i'm a bulk-buyer, and given that i crack mousli-heads, they give me a significant discount on tax/shipping. nice. i only order in bags. sometimes customs thinks the carbs are heroin or cocaine. nugs.
It took a week to get my protein ,that is good.

I ordered the post workout formula and the teamskip.I wanted to try something to see if i liked it and i must say that this is great products.The taste is very good and the quality is impressive.

I will order some whey (don't know wich one but will decide).

No more protein from the store anymore ,true protein all the way(whey). :druggie:

Thanks for the help guys.
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Just wanted to give a testamonial to the customer service of True Protein. The shipping is a bit high but they use UPS so it's not their fault, UPS is just expensive period. I know my wife works at a UPS store. I just called to ask the guys at True Protien if they could ship it out under my UPS account and Carl was very helpful and said it wouldn't be a problem, just place the order like normal but put a note to bill it to my wifes UPS account, (she gets a discount), and they will refund the shipping to my card. Great friendly guys there willing to help a :afro: save a buck. By the way, I'm not really a :afro: .
What was your order?

They keep coming out with new flavours. Seems like I am putting in new orders every month just to try a new flavour.
just a heads up to eveyrone...from now on, go with the premium flavors. best flavors on the market hands down. its worth the extra cost.