Trying to get off test but a little lost


New member
Hey I’ve been on test for about two years. First the androgel I got from my doc and then I have been injecting 2 ccs a month of test E for the last 6 months after my doc said I should switch off the gel. I want to get off test for a while to see how my body reacts but my doc says that once I get off it my test will plunge back down to what it was before at 250.

My test is currently at 1000 and my estrogen at 33. Im still going to go off it to take a break but I wanted to know if its safe/needed for me to take PCTs? (two weeks of nolvadex/clomid as recommended by a friend”)
How many mgs of test? and which testosterone? trt is for life you cant just get off it. post your complete labs.
I'm taking 300 mgs twice a week of testosterone enanthate. my complete labs ***no links allowed please just upload images here****t. thank you
How many mgs of test? and which testosterone? trt is for life you cant just get off it. post your complete labs.

Basically ^^^^^that^^^^.

Sure you can try and come off. Run some Nolva and Clomid/ PCT.

Have you ran any hCG? What size are your testicles? Your hypothalamus and pituitary have been on vacation and so have your balls of no HCG. You've been shut down for 2 years. Restarting that engine is very questionable. Even if it restarts it won't run at a higher level than it did before.

My personal experience being shut down due to elevated estrogen from medication, is that mine never returned to previous levels. I only have labs during problems but based off energy, muscle mass, recovery, erections and libido. . . . Everytime I shut down I recovered less.

I have epilepsy. Epilepsy medications cause me to aromatize/make more estrogen, which sends a signal to quit prodicing as much testosterone.
Personally.....I would try to ad hcg to my protocol for a few weeks.......then i would stop everything for 1 to 2 weeks......then I'd take Clomid for 6 weeks at 25mg every day. I'd wait 4 weeks after that and see how ALL of my numbers compare to pre trt and how I felt.
I would stay completely away from all pct options that included high doses of Clomid or nova. High doses are not only dangerous.....but also unnecessary and a waste of money and drugs. If I needed more Clomid I would run it longer, not take higher doses. That's just me. But if I had low test levels before treatment I honestly would never come off.
Gotta agree with the above. There is a very good reason the doc put you on trt. Obviosly your levels were very low. Trt does not promote natural test production. Trying to come off trt after being on for 2 years and even trying to recover to natural test levels of what you were at is pointless. I highly doubt your test levels would be where they were let alone higher.
Late Start, are you saying the 50/50/50/25/25 type protocol for clomid is too high of a dose?

OP, search up power PCT. If you choose to do this you'll want a run of HCG for a few weeks to get the nads working again, then a run of clomid and nolva.

But be ready to be underwhelmed - as these guys said. You'll feel nowhere close to what you do at 1,000 TT.
So first off the dosing should be weekly not every 2 weeks. if your move your injections closer together you will feel a lot better. Dont go off your trt ... you will feel like shit.

try 4 shots a month add hcg 2 times a week and you should be feeling 100% better

He has you on a hormonal roller coaster. it all about the half life and keeping consistent levels.
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Yeah, what everyone else said. Why do you want to come off and take a break? You are pissing up a tree if you are hypogonadal.

List your complete labs both before TRT and current labs if you want comprehensive advice.
Late Start, are you saying the 50/50/50/25/25 type protocol for clomid is too high of a dose?

OP, search up power PCT. If you choose to do this you'll want a run of HCG for a few weeks to get the nads working again, then a run of clomid and nolva.

But be ready to be underwhelmed - as these guys said. You'll feel nowhere close to what you do at 1,000 TT.

Absolutely not. I like 50. Before trt I liked 50 for one week followed by 25 for 4 weeks. I have found that 25mg per day raises my natural production by the exact same amount that 50 raises it. It seems 25 is plenty for me to accomplish my goal. This was an experiment I did on myself before I ever took my first test injection. I was just curious how high my natural test could go without replacing it. Even now that I'm on trt I notice change in testicular function on low dose.....25 per day.

My negative comment about dosing was referring to the 100mg doses I keep seeing. Some people go even higher than that. Taking multiple times the recommended dosage is begging for side effects.
hey so i tried to post my lab work but its not letting me? its a link to the image sharing site i uploaded the report to********no links allowed just upload the images here**
Going off after 2 years of TRT is just not a good idea; you will feel like shit physically, mentally and emotionally. Follow the advice above, get your injection timing adjusted so you're not up and down.
So first off the dosing should be weekly not ever 2 weeks. if your move your injections closer together you will feel a lot better. Dont go off your trt ... you will feel like shit.

try 4 shots a month add hcg 2 times a week and you should be feeing 100% better
How much hcg?
Absolutely not. I like 50. Before trt I liked 50 for one week followed by 25 for 4 weeks. I have found that 25mg per day raises my natural production by the exact same amount that 50 raises it. It seems 25 is plenty for me to accomplish my goal. This was an experiment I did on myself before I ever took my first test injection. I was just curious how high my natural test could go without replacing it. Even now that I'm on trt I notice change in testicular function on low dose.....25 per day.

My negative comment about dosing was referring to the 100mg doses I keep seeing. Some people go even higher than that. Taking multiple times the recommended dosage is begging for side effects.

That's good info to know. And, I agree on the large clomid doses you sometimes see - I've seen 100 first week a lot, and occasionally even higher.

As they say the poison is in the doseage.
That's good info to know. And, I agree on the large clomid doses you sometimes see - I've seen 100 first week a lot, and occasionally even higher.

As they say the poison is in the doseage.

Yeah. I experimented a lot with Clomid and got blood tests to help me, all before ever taking my first shot of test. Wanted to know how my body responded to it so if know what to expect in recovery. Ended up just going on trt and blasting. I still use it some while on test. This is blasphemy in most circles but it works like a champ:)
Yeah. I experimented a lot with Clomid and got blood tests to help me, all before ever taking my first shot of test. Wanted to know how my body responded to it so if know what to expect in recovery. Ended up just going on trt and blasting. I still use it some while on test. This is blasphemy in most circles but it works like a champ:)

How much do you take while on test? How often and for how long? What improvements do you feel while on Clomid and Test??
How much do you take while on test? How often and for how long? What improvements do you feel while on Clomid and Test??

Doc gives me 50mg per day.....I cut them in half for the previously stated reason. I take 25mg per day for couple months and then take a month off. This is not exact.....Just rough estimates. I'm on Clomid more than I'm off. The benefits? It raises my level on trt from 1000-1150 up to 1350 to 1400. I make 200 to 250 of my own test even on trt. I know this is trt blasphemy but it works. Also, perhaps an even better effect is the slight increase in testicular volume........and the SIGNIFICANT increase in ejaculate volume. Not quite as pronounced by mid blast but still helps......and helps immensely the entire time on trt dose. In my opinion it is this type of personal experience that needs to be shared as often as possible on this site. I believe many could benefit. I share this info as often as I can.

My apologies for the graphic nature of this post. Lol. Many consider it over sharing but I think it's good for people to know
Doc gives me 50mg per day.....I cut them in half for the previously stated reason. I take 25mg per day for couple months and then take a month off. This is not exact.....Just rough estimates. I'm on Clomid more than I'm off. The benefits? It raises my level on trt from 1000-1150 up to 1350 to 1400. I make 200 to 250 of my own test even on trt. I know this is trt blasphemy but it works. Also, perhaps an even better effect is the slight increase in testicular volume........and the SIGNIFICANT increase in ejaculate volume. Not quite as pronounced by mid blast but still helps......and helps immensely the entire time on trt dose. In my opinion it is this type of personal experience that needs to be shared as often as possible on this site. I believe many could benefit. I share this info as often as I can.

My apologies for the graphic nature of this post. Lol. Many consider it over sharing but I think it's good for people to know

Agree, agree, agree...

As I said before the poison is in the dose. If I were to have a go at this I might go 12.5mg/day. Appreciate your knowledge
Doc gives me 50mg per day.....I cut them in half for the previously stated reason. I take 25mg per day for couple months and then take a month off. This is not exact.....Just rough estimates. I'm on Clomid more than I'm off. The benefits? It raises my level on trt from 1000-1150 up to 1350 to 1400. I make 200 to 250 of my own test even on trt. I know this is trt blasphemy but it works. Also, perhaps an even better effect is the slight increase in testicular volume........and the SIGNIFICANT increase in ejaculate volume. Not quite as pronounced by mid blast but still helps......and helps immensely the entire time on trt dose. In my opinion it is this type of personal experience that needs to be shared as often as possible on this site. I believe many could benefit. I share this info as often as I can.

My apologies for the graphic nature of this post. Lol. Many consider it over sharing but I think it's good for people to know

Latestart, Thank you for the great information! I have been on TRT for years and have tried to come off two different times with Clomid and tamoxifen. After the second time I knew I had to be in TRT for life.

What you are describing, is exactly what I need! I Appreciate you giving us this information and how it worked for you.
Quite welcome. Probably doesn't work for everyone, but I can tell you it does work for some. Worth a try in my opinion......both off and on cycle