Typical beginner cycle questions


New member
Hey everyone,

New beginner here. I've researched quite a bit, and understand most of what is needed for the first cycle. I've got several questions though.

Here are my current stats: ~169-171lbs, 17.4% bf, 5'7, age 28.

Cycle plan is the following:
1-10 weeks test ethanate @ 250mg twice a week(total 500mg).
Possibly Arimidex for 1-10 weeks(.25mg/every other day)
2 weeks off
12-14: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20(or 40/20/20/20)

1) I'm right in the weight class to begin a cycle, but a little high on the bf. As I continue my diet, and by the time I order and get the gear in, I should be closer to 16% bf. Am I correct to think that this would be the right time to start a cycle?

2) Should I be taking arimidex right from the start, or just start using it if I develop "itchy nips/excess bloating"?

3) I've read that taking nolva & clomid at same time is recommended, but for a short cycle like this, is it necessary? Or is one better than the other? I've also read that Nolva is just find on it's own on short cycles and has much less side-effects.

4) If 10 weeks is too short, I can increase to 12 weeks like I've seen recommended elsewhere. Thoughts?

5) Liver protection: 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily - Is this necessary? What are the side-effects of using this in addition to everything else?

6) I know to check reviews of websites when getting the gear, but how do you know whether one has better stuff than the other? I mean even good reviewed places can still sell 50% efficient gear and get good reviews. Is there anything special to look out for that can help? Is there a typical price that I should expect to pay, and anything less than a threshold would mean it is junk stuff, or too much would mean it is gauging?

7) TRT/Anti-aging clinics: If I go to one, will they supply me with that much test-e? I've typically read that people can get like 100mg/2 weeks from there, but that clearly isn't enough to do what I am looking to do. I don't want to live by injection for the rest of my life, so TRT isn't good. I'd love to explore this option, as it would be a legit supplier as well as a good place to monitor things though, but not sure if they even perform the service like this.

8) Bloodwork: Where do you mostly go for the bloodwork to be done at? What should I expect to pay for this out of pocket? There is a place called labcorp, which I believe will be able to do this. If I went to a Anti-aging clinic, they should be able to perform bloodwork too I believe.

I'm sure I will have a few more, but 8 is plenty to get started with!
Also, if there are any recommended brands of test-e I should be looking for(ie trusted pharms), that would be a huge help! Thanks.
Yeah I would definitely try running it for 12 weeks looks like everything else is in place as for what kind thats up to you need to look around and do research on that but other than that looks like you have an understanding of whats up good job. Cheers
Hey everyone,

New beginner here. I've researched quite a bit, and understand most of what is needed for the first cycle. I've got several questions though.

Here are my current stats: ~169-171lbs, 17.4% bf, 5'7, age 28.

Cycle plan is the following:
1-10 weeks test ethanate @ 250mg twice a week(total 500mg).
Possibly Arimidex for 1-10 weeks(.25mg/every other day)
2 weeks off
12-14: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20(or 40/20/20/20)

1) I'm right in the weight class to begin a cycle, but a little high on the bf. As I continue my diet, and by the time I order and get the gear in, I should be closer to 16% bf. Am I correct to think that this would be the right time to start a cycle?

2) Should I be taking arimidex right from the start, or just start using it if I develop "itchy nips/excess bloating"?

3) I've read that taking nolva & clomid at same time is recommended, but for a short cycle like this, is it necessary? Or is one better than the other? I've also read that Nolva is just find on it's own on short cycles and has much less side-effects.

4) If 10 weeks is too short, I can increase to 12 weeks like I've seen recommended elsewhere. Thoughts?

5) Liver protection: 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily - Is this necessary? What are the side-effects of using this in addition to everything else?

6) I know to check reviews of websites when getting the gear, but how do you know whether one has better stuff than the other? I mean even good reviewed places can still sell 50% efficient gear and get good reviews. Is there anything special to look out for that can help? Is there a typical price that I should expect to pay, and anything less than a threshold would mean it is junk stuff, or too much would mean it is gauging?

7) TRT/Anti-aging clinics: If I go to one, will they supply me with that much test-e? I've typically read that people can get like 100mg/2 weeks from there, but that clearly isn't enough to do what I am looking to do. I don't want to live by injection for the rest of my life, so TRT isn't good. I'd love to explore this option, as it would be a legit supplier as well as a good place to monitor things though, but not sure if they even perform the service like this.

8) Bloodwork: Where do you mostly go for the bloodwork to be done at? What should I expect to pay for this out of pocket? There is a place called labcorp, which I believe will be able to do this. If I went to a Anti-aging clinic, they should be able to perform bloodwork too I believe.

I'm sure I will have a few more, but 8 is plenty to get started with!

1. The lower the BF the better, the lower the BF the less sides.
2. Do you want to prevent bad side effects or do you want to deal with them once you have them?
3. You have no clue how your body is going to bounce back, nolva + clomid will allow the best possible chance of a prompt recovery, its been tried and tested for years upon years and has been run this way for a reason.
4. 12-14 weeks is optimal for a test cycle
5. Is it necessary, no (nothing is necessary and is all a choice we make) but why would you not use something that will aid in preventing liver issues at an extreme minimum cost (it's like 20$ for 100caps on bodybuilding dot com)
6. Price normally means nothing when it comes to quality, just look out for extremely low prices as it may be a crap lab trying to bank as much cash before getting out. As far as a norm on pricing we are not allowed to discuss gear prices on the forum and it also depends on where you live.
7. Absolutely not, they will require blood testing to determine your baselines and if you have low test lvls they will subscribe test to you to be able to be in normal range (usually in the 100mg to 200mg per week range depending on your lvls) not enough to run a cycle.
8. Again totally dependent on where you live
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Get your body fat down, I like to stop my bulk around 15-17% which would be your starting point, not a lot of room for "gaaaaaiiiiiinz", like kazmir said the lower the better.

I would def add some clomid in your pct.

I think 10 weeks is to short. I didn't start to notice any size gainz till week 7 or 8

Consider adding hcg @250 2Xweek throughout cycle, until about 5 days prior to pct
Thanks for all the replies, some good things to consider.

What about pharm brands? Is there a better brand than others? Also, ordering online is still ok? How often do people get ripped off? Do most online pharms carry all the different items I will need to cycle, or do you have to hunt for each individual item?
Where are you located, are you in a place where you can walk in to a pharm and get gear like in mexico, thailand, etc..
Ordering through an online source is fine as long as its through a reputable source. If you just google and buy from a site that comes up you have a big chance of getting ripped or receiving junk
Most sources will have everything you need.
I'm in Tucson Arizona, about 70 miles from Mexico. I am not willing to buy in mexico and transport across the border. The thought of spending time in a Mexican prison isn't worth anything to me haha. This must be a pretty easy local market though considering how close I am to the border. I'm debating trying to make friends at the gym, or buying online. Also, it appears the Silk road tor network is actively tracked, and will probably be a bad source as well. So it appears Google is out too?