Typical Noob - Fresh Meat


New member
Uh oh...a first time commenter asking for cycle advice and he isn't even using a SERM? I'm sure I'm in for quite a thrashing. But in case someone decided to have pity on me, I thought I would post the "plan" for my second PH/DS cycle and see what you guys thought. Clearly, I will be developing gyno as well as a host of other health infirmities, but aside from all that, does everything else look halfway decent...for a noob?

Age: 26
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 210

Weeks 1-5:
RPN Havok: 30/30/40/40/40
Cycle Assist
HCGenerate (starting week 5)

Weeks 6-9 (PCT)
DAA (3g)
PES Erase 3/3/3/3

Fish Oil

Okay, let me have it!
I am on epistane right now, got up to 45mg within first week and half in dosage. If your liver is fine go ahead it is mild on your liver. considered a mild ph with some great anti estrogen properties. Pre-load the cycle assist 2 weeks.

~Nolva is all u will need for post cycle therapy (pct) (some recover without any post cycle therapy (pct) quickly) this ph is relatively easy on your body. cheap easy to get y not?

~ALSO run it for 6 weeks! in my opinion. its mild, and 6 weeks is very doable.

~ My girlfriend is on epistane right now. just to show you how mild it is. And she recomp'd about 5lbs in 3 weeks.

Eat clean and do some cardio it has a mild recomping effect. OTC post cycle therapy (pct)s will do you fine in this cycle if u absolutely refuse nolva. just not optimal
There just isn't as much interest in PH cycles on this board, so the responses tend to be a little slower on this side of the forum. I'd love to give input, but I really have limited experience with PH/DS personally.
Run it at 40 from day one. No need to taper up. I assume you are prone to MPB which is why you're running Finasteride? Other than that, yeah... looks like your everyday PH cycle. You are a dumbass for not running clomid. Just had to throw that in there.