Hey guys bit of a puzzle for me i am hoping to get some help with.
Should probably start with some background. Always been very very good with estrogen related sides on my cycles, its never really been to much of an issue for me iv only ever really needed light AI use to control any flare ups. This is my fourth cycle and im around 2 weeks into 20mg ed of dbol and 50mg ed test prop. During my last cycle and also in this cycle i have noticed a definite increase in how much estrogen sides i am copping, specifically sensitive nipples.
This cycle in particular i seem to have skipped the feeling of high test and feeling juicy and almost instantly received sensitive nipples and gone straight into damage control with the Arimidex and also Nolva attempting to knock it on the head. This is obviously terrible, i don't want to beat my liver even harder by hammering arimidex and nolva to control the seemingly excessive and disproportionate estrogen levels just to finish the dbol. Im aware Dbol is ment to be wet as fuck and i have used it in the past with great success, even dosed at 50mg ed i needed minimal estrogen control on cycle and bloated up nicely and enjoyed the strength from the water with no nipple sensitivity ect. However this current cycle almost instantly i am receiving severe estrogen related sides.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why they think this could be the case ? Usually i would feel great for a decent length of time and enjoy the feeling of being on and high test however i have not felt this all cycle so far and am immediately getting negative sides despite running a very conservative dose of dbol compared to previous cycles. Obviously arimidex and some nolva dont help in feeling good, but i needed to knock the estrogen on the head.
Could my estrogen levels have not fully normalized after the last cycle ? hence the immediate jump to high estrogen related sides ? i took about three months off after PCT before beginning my fourth cycle and felt perfectly normal and am usually very good at listening to my body.
Any ideas and thoughts are welcome, im fully prepared to drop the dbol if its going to be an issue, but would rather address the root of the excessive estrogen rather than avoiding it. I have some EPI 2A3A here that can be added to help block estrogen but probably a bad idea ?
Thanks guys.
Should probably start with some background. Always been very very good with estrogen related sides on my cycles, its never really been to much of an issue for me iv only ever really needed light AI use to control any flare ups. This is my fourth cycle and im around 2 weeks into 20mg ed of dbol and 50mg ed test prop. During my last cycle and also in this cycle i have noticed a definite increase in how much estrogen sides i am copping, specifically sensitive nipples.
This cycle in particular i seem to have skipped the feeling of high test and feeling juicy and almost instantly received sensitive nipples and gone straight into damage control with the Arimidex and also Nolva attempting to knock it on the head. This is obviously terrible, i don't want to beat my liver even harder by hammering arimidex and nolva to control the seemingly excessive and disproportionate estrogen levels just to finish the dbol. Im aware Dbol is ment to be wet as fuck and i have used it in the past with great success, even dosed at 50mg ed i needed minimal estrogen control on cycle and bloated up nicely and enjoyed the strength from the water with no nipple sensitivity ect. However this current cycle almost instantly i am receiving severe estrogen related sides.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why they think this could be the case ? Usually i would feel great for a decent length of time and enjoy the feeling of being on and high test however i have not felt this all cycle so far and am immediately getting negative sides despite running a very conservative dose of dbol compared to previous cycles. Obviously arimidex and some nolva dont help in feeling good, but i needed to knock the estrogen on the head.
Could my estrogen levels have not fully normalized after the last cycle ? hence the immediate jump to high estrogen related sides ? i took about three months off after PCT before beginning my fourth cycle and felt perfectly normal and am usually very good at listening to my body.
Any ideas and thoughts are welcome, im fully prepared to drop the dbol if its going to be an issue, but would rather address the root of the excessive estrogen rather than avoiding it. I have some EPI 2A3A here that can be added to help block estrogen but probably a bad idea ?
Thanks guys.