updated diet ( please LOOK !!!!! )


New member
Hey all,

doing my first competition in Aug.

current stats:

36 yrs old.
11 years training exp
current cycle 600mg Tren E

That was in May....

Now 6/13/07
210lbs - probably 5-7% bf

breakfast - 7am
1/2 cup plain oatmeal
50 gram whey protein shake with 10 grams glutamine

Snack - 10am
1/2 cup plain oatmeal
Liquid egg whites (50 grams protein)

Lunch - 1pm
8-10oz of fish or chicken
1/2 cup plain oatmeal
(carbs stop at 1pm)

PWO - 4pm
50 grams whey protein shake with 10 grams glutamine

Dinner - 7pm
8-10oz of fish or chicken
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp flax oil

Snack - 10pm
Milk protein shake (50 grams protein) with 10 grams glutamine - no carbs
