vaccuumed vials?

alexus hensicus

New member
Man what a bitch. So last night I was reconstituting my igf des and when I inserted the syringe with one ml sterile water the needle broke through the stopper and instantly filled the vial quite possibly hitting the pep directly. Is that normal to have that vacuum like that? Is there any point of using the pep, I do have a spare vial if this one is ruined to finish my 30 day run. Damnit!
We try not to spray the peptides and GH directly but in all honestly it's happened to all of us including myself and the HGH was fine afterward.

You can either let some of the vacuum out next time with just a needle or make sure you insert it on an angle so that it hits the glass and runs down on to the peptide.

No biggie in the end.
No need to aspirate subQ but honestly I don't with IM on peps.

The vaccum seal can be shocking that first time. Lol. I've done the same thing. Next time take your pin and pull 1/2 ml air then push that into the vial, then add BW.

And your igf will be fine.