vegetable question......

OC Cartel

New member
i'm currently on a timed carb diet. i basically have protein/carbs upon waking, and before/after workouts.....the rest of the day i have protein/fats.

i was wondering what a good vegetable would be that i could eath throughout the day, or maybe with the protein/fat meals, that wouldn't spike my insulin or have too much sugar in it.....

i was doing salads, but they're a bitch in that they go bad so fast.
i want something i can easily down that might last a little longer...

pls help. thx.
mister69 said:
romain lettuce\ brocolli

does brocolli stay fresh longer than lettuce? and what's the nutritional value of it? i'm looking to just use the vegetables for fiber and to fill me up.
You should always be eating protein first in each meal. I prefer frozen brocoli and put in boiling water then eat up. As for salad i get the romain in the bag and just eat up.
mister69 said:
You should always be eating protein first in each meal. I prefer frozen brocoli and put in boiling water then eat up. As for salad i get the romain in the bag and just eat up.

yea, that'd be ideal for me. but because of a busy work schedule i usuallly need shit to be very simple and convienient for me to eat it ya know?