Vida guerra i wanna lick her ass

Dont know about u 9er lol..... Dont know why but she to me is not all that. Could be because I live in Puerto Rico you bump into a Vida every 5 steps or so lmao.
Latin women are a double edge sword my friend and if I can give you any advice stay the fuck away from them crazy bitches lololololol. My ex wife Rican my ex girl Mexican and every single latin/hispanic woman I have dated tend to have entitlement issues. But am fucked since am on an island full of them lol.
Latin women are a double edge sword my friend and if I can give you any advice stay the fuck away from them crazy bitches lololololol. My ex wife Rican my ex girl Mexican and every single latin/hispanic woman I have dated tend to have entitlement issues. But am fucked since am on an island full of them lol.

Oh I know bro all my flings were latina the one I settled down with now is irish and Caucasian she has the best heart in the world