Viscosity of Different Oils


Delectable Injectables
This might sound dumb but bear with me. My last batch of stuff I used sesame oil. Injecting it the past few times it seems like its harder to inject through a 25g needle than in the past. How much of a difference in viscosity is there between the different oils (walnut, peanut, grapeseed, seasame, cottonseed, etc...)? I'm thinking maybe in the past the UG lab I had used a thinner oil in their product hence the easier injects.

Also, is there any advantages for thicker/thinner oil other than ease of injecting? Thnx
Oil Viscosities (mm2/s)

Castor 297.0 - Thickest
Crambe 53.6
High-Oleic Safflower 41.2
Peanut 39.6
Sunflower 37.1
Grapeseed 37.0
Sesame 35.3
Corn 34.9
Cottonseed 33.5
Soybean 32.6
Safflower 31.3 - Thinnest

If buying safflower make SURE it not the high oleic. Safflower will also last longer than grapeseed before going rancid.
Um, why the fuck do you WANT the thinnest oil possible. You do realize the difference is negligable right?? Board myths. You can make thinner oil than any viscosity listed there by adding another 5% BB to any one of the oils. Duhhhh. Walnut is great, peanut is great, grapeseed is great. Who cares buy it cheap and make it, its all oil. Want it thinner, heat it up. Inject with a 22g be a fucking man.
I am kind of surprised at that list and I question if it is accurate. The grape seed I have definitely seems noticably thinner than the sesame I had.

I like grape seed because it is thin, healthy and because it has a high temperature smoke point. The smoke point is why olive oil isn't really appropriate for the frying pan. I use the grape seed for frying now as well. Good stuff.
mranak said:
I am kind of surprised at that list and I question if it is accurate. The grape seed I have definitely seems noticably thinner than the sesame I had.
The numbers above are an average at room temperature, they vary depending on who makes it. I wasn't to sure about the numbers either because when I shake up up a bottle of grapeseed and safflower the bubbles seemed to rise about the same speed. So I measured them using a painters viscosity cup and sure enough the safflower took about 5 secs less to drain from the cup.

mranak said:
I like grape seed because it is thin, healthy and because it has a high temperature smoke point. Good stuff.
I've used it in the past also and liked it mainly for its antioxidants. I did note that I could brew slightly higher concentrations with safflower than grapeseed without it crashing. Other than that safflower is lighter in color and has a slightly higher smoke point. Right now I'm using sesame with 33% EO.
Perfection Awaits said:
Shit, grapeseed aint thin at all. Safflower it is?
Yep it is the thinnest but but like Dougo said you don't always want the thinnest. At high concentrations of BB it can become too thin depending on the hormone concentration and work its way towards the surface of the muscle or migrate down towards the end of a muscle. Not a good thing for me with quad shots. Hell the true thinnest oil is linseed oil but injecting that is a good way to wind up dead.
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DougoeFre5h said:
Um, why the fuck do you WANT the thinnest oil possible. You do realize the difference is negligable right?? Board myths. You can make thinner oil than any viscosity listed there by adding another 5% BB to any one of the oils. Duhhhh. Walnut is great, peanut is great, grapeseed is great. Who cares buy it cheap and make it, its all oil. Want it thinner, heat it up. Inject with a 22g be a fucking man.

K, was just asking a question....just got my Junior Chemist Starter Set the other day at Wal-Mart so trying to learn.
i swear everyone makes this tooooo hard.

Peanut oil at the grocery store = $8/gallon.

How hard is that?
aright aright aright aright I got it. Remind me never ask a question again, just mix something I think is right and inject it.
It was in response to PA saying...safflower it is then?

We dont run things the same in the chem section. We use abusive language, make fun, participate in homo bashing and name calling. Thats why its one of the better chem sections on the whole fucking internet. ;)
Easto said:
I have used cottonseed, safflower and today I used Grapeseed.

Same shit, different pile.

we had gone well off topic once again and you gotta come in and fuck it up by bringing up the original topic...

was up wit dat :afro: ?