Dug myself out of the Prami hole over the weekend, after being nauseous enough to vomit post-workout Saturday. I need to throw it out or something, I have no idea why I keep kicking that dead horse - anything beyond 0.1mg absolutely demolishes me no matter how carefully I try to taper up.
Friday: arms day. Did random arms stuff like rope pushdowns, machine curls, standing ezbar curls, skull crushers and flexing in the mirror (of course), some volume benching, abs and traps. Was at a different gym than normal which threw off my "groove" I guess, plus a weird hyper-energetic lesbian running around seemingly using every weight or piece of equipment I was about to.
Saturday: leg day. VMO feeling good, lower back pumps are infuckingsane right now. Had to split my workout into AM/PM, literally. Morning was front & back squats with some abs & calf work. Matched my old back squat PR which felt pretty good ->
10x315 squat with belt, below parallel / no wraps - YouTube PM: Heavy 45 degree leg press since I was semi-fresh again, stiff leg deads until I was so crippled from the back pumps I had to crawl back to the changeroom (almost). Lesson: 75-100mg is too much var for this guy, no matter how much taurine, potassium and water I force into my system. Got home, puked my guts out and slept until 2pm Sunday.
Sunday: chest day. Still feeling the prami effects all afternoon, eventually mixed some preworkout with redbull and ephedrine & hit the gym. Nailed a solid flat bench set (9.5 x 275 - my spotter robbed me) and a pretty decent inline barbell bench as well. Usual abs, dumb bell and cable work as well. Had to cut the last 10-15 minutes of burn out stuff for a family dinner unfortunately.
Monday (this morning): back day. LOWER BACK PUMPS oh my god. Honestly probably a 20% improvement since I stopped var three days ago, but still debilatating / crippling pain doing bent rows, and especially deadlifts. Stuck to as much upper back stuff as reasonably possible - pullups, lat pull downs, hammer plate-loaded high row machine, seated rows, then attempted (and crushed, of course) bent over rows, inverted grip bent rows, and volume-ish deads (4x10).
Edit: UGH 150mg of tren into the ol' bloodstream this afternoon. Whoopsie.