VMO Rehab - input appreciated

Took prami 0.25mg and keto 2mg last night...could barely fucking move when my gym alarm went off this morning. Took a day off from working out. First one since Christmas day...not liking it so far, feels like I missed something and never really got my day underway properly. Least productive work day of 2014 so far.
Took until 9 or 10pm last night to feel like my energy levels were 80% of normal (22 or 24 hours after taking 0.2mg Prami) Jeez. Bad times; just barely managed to get enthusiastic about sex then promptly passed out afterwards.

Back day today; wasn't going for PRs just volume/higher rep range deads etc. 3x10, 1x8 then 1x4 deads ending with 4x425, wore a belt but my lower back was still pretty sore from 300lbs up. Lots of unweighted pullups, heavy-ish wide grip bent over rows, inverted rows, seated rows, some abs to try and counteract my sore lower back and finished with lat pulldowns + DB pull overs and 1-arm DB rows.

VMO stuff: High bar squats, 4x10 topped out at 10x265; same high-bar weight I did a week or so ago just wanted to make sure I still "had it" lol. I'll rest hamstrings for the next two days (delts then arms) and do some seated quad extensions then try to add weight to low bar squats on leg day (Monday) again. 10x315 won't make me happy, exactly, but I'll be back to where I was pre-injury. Might be a bit of a stretch but I would like to hit at least 405x5 by the end of the year, preferably for 8 or 10 though.
Delts on saturday...I'm still 98% sure I have real var this time, since I usually have a very negative reaction to dbol; but god damn I'm getting bad shoulder pumps again. Arms on the pullup bar for 20 sec after every upper body set lately. Taking 5g+ taurine ED, bought some potassium caps as well but looking at the ingredients on egg whites (I drink ~3-500mL /day) that's almost 1g potassium per carton. Only thing I have to watch is water intake; definitely goes down on the weekend since I'm not at a desk forcing water down my throat.

Sunday - Arms/whatever. I went to a different (nicer) gym than usual and bumped into an ex-girlfriend who's apparently in the contention for a spot on one of our olympic teams. Since it was her off/cardio/whatever day too, we did an ab circuit together...holy fuck that is why I don't do "ab circuits" or more than ten sets of abs on one day most of the time. Still sore today. Had to show off on the bench a bit lol, so did volume bench, along with some other random arms crap (chinups, CGBP, curls, etc). Mostly abs though, good 30min+ and that wiped me the F out.

Today (morning leg day) - Broke down and took some 1mr pre workout, along with 100mcg clen and a coffee. Whatever, I'm weak and only slept five hours last night (sick too...sinus infection I think. Bloody / yellow mucus coming from lungs/throat/sinus)

-Didn't make the same mistake as last time - took it a bit easier on front squats, just 3x10 to warmup topping at 10x135 rather than 205 or whatever it was.
-Low-bar: 5x10 - final working set @10x295, easy. Would've likely had 10x315 if I'd loaded that instead; but was pretty burnt by the time I finished my fifth set. And I had to take a massive dump (pre-workout kicking in lol)
-Finished with 4x10 SLDL, seated calf raises, 4x25 decline weighted situps (one plate), 45 degree leg press 3x10 and leg press calf raises.

Onwards & upwards!
Still sick. Chest day this morning; nothing special to report...VMO feels 100% - I worked in 4x12 one leg seated quad extensions, ending @ 12x87.5 no pain from VMO or knee joint(s)

5x8 pyramid up to 10x265 flat bench, then 5x245 incline bench felt pretty good considering I'm pretty sick still.

I'm blowing out wads of yellow snot...super gross. Definitely been wiping down equipment to try not to spread my disease to the peasants in the gym
Two-three hours of sleep per night = zero energy at the gym. If I do manage to fall asleep I wake up 20-45 minutes later choking on mucous running into my lungs; honestly terrifying for a few seconds until I cough it out.

I think tomorrow's going to be a day off working out, possibly a sick day from work - as much as I hate going to the doctor if antibiotics will clear this sinus crap up I'm game.

Pulled 8x405 this morning, I knew I wouldn't have the grip today so used straps for the heavy set but practicing no straps up til then (10x365) - fairly surprised I managed that, especially considering how I feel now, a few hours later.

Superset deads with pullups, 4x10 wide...also bent over rows, inverted grip bent rows, seated rows, t-bar rows and lat pulldowns. Weighted decline situps to stretch out my abs after the heavy deads.
H1N1 or whatever this year's mutation is. WHOA> fuck that (and fook me) 212lbs Wednesday morning, 206 lbs Friday night...didn't even want to weigh myself this morning and get more depressed. I did squat 305x10 yesterday, incline benched 7x245 this morning so lifts aren't suffering a lot but I feel like I've been hit by a train.
Got sent home from work so I wouldn't infect my co-workers, guess I look worse than I thought. Still rocking my weekend beard which definitely ups the hobo factor.

Back day this morning, but I think I made a good / wise call & skipped deads even though I felt like a pussy for doing it. Meant I had quite a bit more energy than I'm used to for bent rows, weighted decline sit ups, lat cable pulls, reverse grip rows, hammer plate loaded high-rows, seated cable rows, pull ups, lat pull downs and blowing my nose fifty times.

Oddly enough, weight was up to almost 217...I hadn't taken a dump so that could be ~2lbs but quite the rebound since Friday's 207. Realized I haven't taken an AI since then, however & took .35mg adex after my workout.
Dragged myself to the gym for delts this morning. Nothing spectacular, homemade coffee + no pre workout or stims so I almost turned around and went back to bed halfway to the gym lol.

Really working on slow, concentrated shoulder movements with medium weight lately. Internal/external rotations seem to have done wonders for visibility of delt insertions on top of being great for rotator cuff strengthening / rehab, and lateral, front & rear DB raises, 20-30lb DBs dropset with the little girly 8-17.5lb weights give a pretty crazy pump.

Added in cable laterals based on forum member gram of tren's suggestion, I still like free weights but they're great for burning out and definitely do a better job of keeping the muscle under tension for the entire ROM compared to a DB raise.
Aaaand....didn't drag myself to the gym. Lol, just arms day anyways...but I ate an entire pizza for dinner last night - seems like a workout would've been in order. Couldn't pull it off / motivate myself though. Don't know what possessed me to take Prami last night, but I did and this morning was a chain of snooze button / zombie mode getting to work.

I'm curious to see how PCT in the next few weeks affects my libido / tail-chasing drive. I literally can't remember having this many girls catching my eye every minute of every day, especially during a winter where it's rarely above -10C and most people dress accordingly. I'm a happy, one-woman guy but there's so many legs, covered in yoga pants or topped with short shorts connected to vaginas and boobs every goddamn where lately.
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Dug myself out of the Prami hole over the weekend, after being nauseous enough to vomit post-workout Saturday. I need to throw it out or something, I have no idea why I keep kicking that dead horse - anything beyond 0.1mg absolutely demolishes me no matter how carefully I try to taper up.

Friday: arms day. Did random arms stuff like rope pushdowns, machine curls, standing ezbar curls, skull crushers and flexing in the mirror (of course), some volume benching, abs and traps. Was at a different gym than normal which threw off my "groove" I guess, plus a weird hyper-energetic lesbian running around seemingly using every weight or piece of equipment I was about to.

Saturday: leg day. VMO feeling good, lower back pumps are infuckingsane right now. Had to split my workout into AM/PM, literally. Morning was front & back squats with some abs & calf work. Matched my old back squat PR which felt pretty good -> 10x315 squat with belt, below parallel / no wraps - YouTube PM: Heavy 45 degree leg press since I was semi-fresh again, stiff leg deads until I was so crippled from the back pumps I had to crawl back to the changeroom (almost). Lesson: 75-100mg is too much var for this guy, no matter how much taurine, potassium and water I force into my system. Got home, puked my guts out and slept until 2pm Sunday.

Sunday: chest day. Still feeling the prami effects all afternoon, eventually mixed some preworkout with redbull and ephedrine & hit the gym. Nailed a solid flat bench set (9.5 x 275 - my spotter robbed me) and a pretty decent inline barbell bench as well. Usual abs, dumb bell and cable work as well. Had to cut the last 10-15 minutes of burn out stuff for a family dinner unfortunately.

Monday (this morning): back day. LOWER BACK PUMPS oh my god. Honestly probably a 20% improvement since I stopped var three days ago, but still debilatating / crippling pain doing bent rows, and especially deadlifts. Stuck to as much upper back stuff as reasonably possible - pullups, lat pull downs, hammer plate-loaded high row machine, seated rows, then attempted (and crushed, of course) bent over rows, inverted grip bent rows, and volume-ish deads (4x10).

Edit: UGH 150mg of tren into the ol' bloodstream this afternoon. Whoopsie.
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Delts today. Been my favorite "day" for a few weeks now, seeing some comic book definition depending on the lighting lol.

My elbow is kind of jacked up though; when I was benching on Sunday my sister showed up at the gym and spotted me for my heaviest set...when I was re-racking she was holding the bar weird and it looked like it was going to fall off sideways or something which is no bueno since I'm a jackass and never use clips when I'm benching or deadlifting. Anyways, I pushed at a weird angle sideways and my elbow's been bothering me since (back day yesterday and delts today)

Didn't interfere with much other than, oddly enough, front barbell raises and some pain during overhead press / arnold press. I might take a rest day tomorrow so I can sleep longer, since I have to teach in the evening & hope my elbow heals up or something.

Internal/external rotations, seated DB press, hanging leg raise, overhead press, smith behind the neck press, front barbell raises, reverse pec dec /rear delts, DB laterals + dropset with the girly weights, cable laterals and arnold press. Had a lot of energy for whatever reason, didn't sleep more than six hours or take any pre-WO just felt good today.

Fuck prami in the ass, lol. And yea I pinned 150mg tren and 50mg prop straight into a vein yesterday, that was not a fun experience.
Woke up yelling - massive / catastrophic calf cramps. Stopped var five or six days ago, so hoping this is just the lingering after-effects.

Skipped the gym in favour of a bit more sleep / recovery and trying to nurse my elbow a bit. Might hit arms for 45 minutes tonight if I can fit it in, likely I'll just wait until tomorrow though.

Decided on an end date for this cycle (Mar 1) so I added T3 and clen to clean up for the last three and a half weeks. Weight's been close to 220 a few mornings (pre-shit, but still) which I'm pretty happy about, would like to hold at 210 after PCT so aiming to be a leaner 220 by the end of the month.
Ended up squeezing in a 45 minute arms workout yesterday afternoon between my day job & teaching. BAD idea for two reasons.

1. Every muscle I have that can cramp, is cramping. I don't know what's off, which is unusual. Macros are in order, water intake is 6+ litres ED and I'm supplementing taurine + potassium. Stopped var a week ago now, I -did- start T3 / clen again but only 50mcg each for two days. Skipped clen this morning, just went with T3 to see if that helps but it seems odd since I've ran 200mcg clen/day without serious issue.
2. Most crowded gym day/time I've ever had the bad fortune of experiencing. Seriously I've been in crowded gyms but this was unreal. It was a nicer gym than I usually go to, in my parents' (nicer) city and it was full of cardio bunnies and curlbros. 4:30 in the fucking afternoon. Incredible - I even had to wait for a chinup bar - usually I feel like I'm the only one who does chinups / pullups ever.

So, all I could fit were rope tricep pushdowns, chinups, closegrip bench, volume bench, one-arm cable curls and weighted hanging leg raises.

This morning: LEG DAY. Had a terrible gutache last night, which carried over to this morning...then I unleashed my fury on the toilet and weighed in at 212 at the gym. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. Down six pounds since pre-shit yesterday morning - and not dehydrated in the least. Good fucking god.

Re-squatted 10x315 with no belt this time, did some SLDL's, leg press, calf raises, DB pullovers that I forgot to do a few days ago and weighted decline situps.

Ran out of steam before I hit the leg extension and prone hamstring curl machines, no carbs or much of anything this morning due to feeling like my insides were trying to become outsides.

Sorry for some of the graphic detail, needed to get it out there.
Felt much better this morning. Last night I wasn't sure if I had a kidney infection, hernia / distended bowels or herniated disc - everything hurt so much...was probably 20 minutes away from heading to the hospital but after showering things settled down and I had a good sleep, this morning I was feeling easily 8/10 and starving since I couldn't hold much down yesterday.

Chest day: woke up, literally from sleeping and realized I've been trying to set flat bench PRs a lot recently. Which, on squats, resulted in VMO injury...so today I focused on incline. DB press, incline bench, incline flyes...to the point that I failed on a normally easy 245 set on the flat bench near the end of my workout and dropped it on my chest lol.

To be fair, my elbow is still bothering me which in turn has me rotating my shoulder oddly to press, so that shoulder is bugging me now too. And now my sternum hurts too, luckily I finally have enough pec muscle that it didn't take a sharp impact.
Saturday: Back day. Pullups/ superset deadlifts (hit 8x405 with no straps, felt pretty good - 3x455 no problem either) , weighted decline situps, bent rows, t-bar rows, lat pull downs, one-arm DB rows. May have forgotten a few.

Sunday: Delts. My elbow (and now shoulder) are fucked...they start hurting about ten minutes into an upper body workout and by minutes 75-90 they're a 7/10 throbbing pain. Keeps going until about half an hour after I've stopped lifting things up and putting them down. Anyways, my youngest brother met me at the gym so I wasn't going to punk out of a workout...internal/external rotations, DB shoulder press, OHP, hanging leg raises, smith behind-the-neck press, low-bar squats (yep showing the little guy how it's done lol), cable lateral raises and finished with tricep dips and some jogging on the track.

Monday (this morning) Arms: tricep rope pushdowns, internal/external cable rotations, chinups, hammer-crunch machine, one-arm cable curls, close-grip bench press (limited ROM / tricep activation due to super painful elbow by this point in my workout), skull crushers, standing barbell curls, DB laterals & reverse PEC DEC (since I missed them due to throbbing elbow/shoulder pain yesterday)

Then left the gym with severe throbbing shoulder/elbow pain lol. Almost punched someone's head off at the gas station on my way to work, narrowly avoided that assault charge. Rolled in 1 minute early and met my client on time. Boooyeah.
Took a day off. Spend half last night curled up with weird stomach pain that started sometime right after having sex - medium/almost sharp pain in both sides, kind of between hip bones and bottom of rib cage....closer to the front than back - kidney area but not in the back where you'd expect to feel kidneys.

IDK...finally fell asleep halfway through the night and woke up with no pain.

All's well that ends well?
Still wasn't feeling great this morning but wasn't going to bail on the gym two days in a row. Feels like I'm bailing on myself actually.

Leg day: I can definitely tell I reintroduced T3. JESUS...talk about winded. Or could be the minus 25C weather screwing with my lungs, although it's obviously much warmer than that in the gym itself.

Front squats 4x10, ending with 10x225...working on using proper clean grip again. Tough for me on cycle I feel like my wrists/forearms are 25% bigger than usual. Or my flexibility just sucks, who knows.

Low bar squats 5x10, ending @ 10x315 without belt. Felt good, I fucking love the sound of plates rattling as I come out of the hole.

SLDL, superset calf raises, ended with only two sets of leg press/ leg press calf raise supersets. Completely burnt out by then, didn't feel to guilty about skipping leg extensions and leg curls.

Puked in the changeroom...sign of a good leg day? Or time to end this damn cycle. Both maybe.
Normal chest day. No puking, decent energy level, etc etc. Weight plummeted from 212 yesterday to 207 today, dno what the hell. 2-3 pounds up or down I don't bat an eye, but 5 pound fluctuations are weird.

Internal/external shoulder rotations / superset incline DB press, then flat bench superset hanging leg raises, weighted chest dips superset hammer crunch machine, incline bench superset elevated cable flyes, finish with flat bench DB flyes.

Almost punched the gym attendant's head off, when he tapped me on the leg after a heavy benchpress set and grilled me about wiping down equipment because someone complained that I didn't. I told him they can talk to me themselves next time so I can tell them to eat shit instead of having to tell him that, put my earbuds back in and pulled down my hat.

Really not happy with whoever tattled though, I do wipe machines down if I sweat on them but I swear 90% of the OCD spazzy people in my gym wipe down the equipment BEFORE and after they use it anyways. FUCK EM.
Back day: slept poorly last night, was up three times I think. Took a bit of pre-WO this morning, didn't really help much, was late to the gym due to valentines' stuff before leaving but got about 75% of my back workout done anyways before I had to leave for work.

Bent over rows, superset pullups (bad choice of superset exercises lol) deadlifts superset with decline weighted situps - failed pretty hard on my 405 set, wasn't too happy w/ 2x405 I'm not sure what's up there...inverted grip barbell rows, seated rows, lat pulldowns superset with one-arm dumbbell rows. Game over - race to work.
Sat: Delts. Favorite workout day lately, I still <3 chest of course but I really want big boulder/comic book shoulders. Vain or whatever, but that's what I'm focusing on atm. Typical shoulder day - external/internal rotations superset w/ DB press, then OHP superset with hanging leg raises, smith behind-the-neck press superset DB shrugs, front barbell raises superset rear delts on the Pec dec, finish with DB lateral dropsets and then a few 1-arm cable laterals.

Sun: Arms. Ran into my ex at the nicer gym I hit on the weekends again, ended up finishing my workout with a 20min ab circuit she does...jesus man that is tough. Switched up the order of exercises a bit but still pretty typical arms day for me- start with CGBP superset standing barbell curls, followed by chinups superset weighted+supported hanging leg raises, then rope tricep pushdowns superset one-arm cable curls, some (pretty sad) volume benching due to burnt triceps, finished with that abs circuit & some 1-arm DB curls.

Mon: Girlfriend had stomach flu Sunday and I think it hit me mid-leg day - not good. Warmed up with leg extensions / prone hamstring curls, moved onto front squats superset w/ decline weighted situps, then started to feel crappy as I started my low bar squats. Got through the first four sets (up to 10x265) then had to puke. Came back and tried to finish with my 10x315, got one rep and said fuck this I'm going home. Really dissapointing leg day.

Tuesday (this morning) Chest day: External/internal rotations superset with incline DB press to warmup, then did the SLDL's I skipped from leg day superset with hanging leg raises, moved onto flat bench press superset with hammer crunch machine abs, cable flyes superset with DB pullovers, incline bench press superset flat bench flyes, finish with chest dips.

I'm tired just from typing that all out - really sick of being sick this winter, not sure if the long tren cycle has contributed but either way I'll give the flu shot a chance next year.