Volatren NSAID Gel Causing Bad Side Effects....


New member
I was given a small amount of Volaten NSAID Gel for some aches and muscle inflammation and it seemed to help. So I get script for it from my GP and started using it daily at a much higher quantity than I was initially (following directions). I slowly noticed irregularity in my bowels and in the past week started getting severe bloating, water retention, and the worst thing, constipation. I am very regular with going to the bathroom, its usually like clockwork. I haven't gone in 3 days now, I'm always very bloated, and my weight is up about 5 pounds. I didn't know what the hell it was from until it clicked last night. I stopped applying the gel as of yesterday and hopefully it gets everything to come out of me and get me regular again but I wanted to know if anyone else has heard of this?

I did and internet search and it appears this is a side effect, although no very common.


The symptoms you mentioned are few of many possible side effects of diclofenac----and most if not all NSAIDs. But some side effects seem to present randomly with certain NSAIDs in some patients more than others. So, you might switch to another NSAID and not get those sides, although I do not recommend regularly taking high doses of any NSAID while on cycle.