VPX Methyl 1-T


New member
VPX claims to bypass the liver entirely.

I'm not a chemist or a perfect speller, but, can this be true?


VPX are up to their same marketing tricks?
bigb0t0 said:
VPX claims to bypass the liver entirely.

I'm not a chemist or a perfect speller, but, can this be true?


VPX are up to their same marketing tricks?

VPX is up to their old tricks again. If it's methylated, then it's gonna be a little harsh on the old liver.
I think they are fudging a bit on what methylation does. In a way it "bypasses" the liver in the sense that most of it does not get destroyed like a normal oral but it doesn't bypass it in the sense that it never goes through it.
Doesn't methylation also increase the strain put on the liver by the product? (i.e. you should take saw palmetto for liver health?)
methylation will make it be able to survive the first pass but it will be metabolised by the liver enzymes in the same fashion as all other androgen do in the end so it would not be wise to state that it bypasses the liver at all imho