Did a bunch of natural competing in my late 20s early 30s, then went to the "dark side." This will be my 4th cycle in 4-years, as each year I've done a few small 8-weekers short esters, and 2-12 weekers with longer esters.
Well, I ef'd myself this time, and I am FULLY aware of my own stupidity. I just got caught up in a good thing too long, mirror became an obsession, too many women, too much good sex.
I am not going to completely re-hash this entire "cycle" bottom line it started out as Test Prop/Tren ACE - 8 weeks, then dropped the ACE at 8-weeks, mixed prop and cyp and evenutally transitioned to cyp with occasional prop "blasts" and a turinabol run for 4-weeeks (about 2-months ago). Total time on stuff has been since late April 2016 so 8-months - EIGHT WTF is wrong with me - months!
NOW I am at the end of the 8-month period of being on Test. I dropped cyp and have been doing EOD prop @60mgs; in addition I added HCG @200-250ius Su-Tu-Fr each week, been doing that steadily now for 8-weeks. I don't use any AIs at this point except just Tamox every few days @15mgs and I'm sort of good to go.
That said, I do have some days where I just feel all e'fd up, prickly skin, emotionally unstable (but I am fully aware of the cause and keep it under control), can't regulate body temp, then some days are just FKN awesome. DUH, makes sense I've completely screwed my hormones up.
I've had metabolic blood work done about 4-weeks ago, Kidneys are fine, liver is slightly elevated, cholesterol is 140, and my HDL obviously is a little less than desirable.
I know I need to get hormonal blood work, basically everything, Test, Free Test, SHBG, Prolactin, DHEA, DHT, E2, LH, FSH
1. Is it pointless to get such a huge hormonal panel now? OR Should I just suck it up, start my PCT and wait 4, or 6-weeks then get such a huge panel?
2. How completely fkd am I? I realize my stupidity, I just kept looking in the mirror and I've had an amazing run - but now it's time to pay the piper right?
3. CAN I actually recover, or am I in TRT land now?
4. Ostarine, should I add this?
5. HGH Should I add this to my PCT?
6. IGF-1 Should I add this to my PCT? IF YES, what dosage schedule amount/days...?
7. Proviron - should I take this for the next week to inhibit SHBG before jumping off test?
My PCT I was going to start on Day-3 last Test Prop/HCG pin (this upcoming Monday 12/26):
Clomid - 100mg 1st week, split into 50mg doses AM/PM, then 75mgs Week 2, 50mgs Week 3-4, 25mg Week 5 & 6
Tamox - 20 mg EOD
D-Aspartic Acid 12grams Weeks 1-3, 9 grams Weeks 4-5, 6-grams Weeks 6-9
Fish Oil - Increase from 6 caps to 12 a day
I take a bevy of other supplements already, kidney support, saw palmetto, b12, stinging nettle, calcium, zinc, etc. All individually don't take a multi-V, so I'm good there. Just SOP for me.
With respect to Tamoxifen or AIs I find my by body is VERY sensitive to estrogen levels being reduced. Joints ache, lethargy, no sex drive, etc. We all know estrogen is key to cycles, to I worry about crushing my estrogen with so much Tamox during PCT.
My thoughts, Tamox @20mg EOD instead of EVERY day.
Any input?
Honestly, been around the block on this stuff, had a great time, I fkd up I know, I need input, help, support to provide me a path forward on next steps to a "non-inject" day-to-day bodybuilding lifestyle - did it for YEARS prior.
As far as my body, wow, talk about re-comp. I start this cycle at 207 5'11 around 13% bodyfat, ended at 205 at 8-9% bodyfat. However I was up to 216lbs at the 14-week mark - SO my ARs are smoked clearly.
I have VERY little body fat now. I eat like a mad man and can't put on any weight it seems, I've dialed my workouts down to 4-day split, I do no cardio except 20-min walks 3x a week. I just can't STOP eating, and gain NO weight. Weird. I track my calories, averaging 3,600 cals a day, macros are on average 50% protein, 35% carbs, 15% fat (counting fish oil).
Please help.
Well, I ef'd myself this time, and I am FULLY aware of my own stupidity. I just got caught up in a good thing too long, mirror became an obsession, too many women, too much good sex.
I am not going to completely re-hash this entire "cycle" bottom line it started out as Test Prop/Tren ACE - 8 weeks, then dropped the ACE at 8-weeks, mixed prop and cyp and evenutally transitioned to cyp with occasional prop "blasts" and a turinabol run for 4-weeeks (about 2-months ago). Total time on stuff has been since late April 2016 so 8-months - EIGHT WTF is wrong with me - months!
NOW I am at the end of the 8-month period of being on Test. I dropped cyp and have been doing EOD prop @60mgs; in addition I added HCG @200-250ius Su-Tu-Fr each week, been doing that steadily now for 8-weeks. I don't use any AIs at this point except just Tamox every few days @15mgs and I'm sort of good to go.
That said, I do have some days where I just feel all e'fd up, prickly skin, emotionally unstable (but I am fully aware of the cause and keep it under control), can't regulate body temp, then some days are just FKN awesome. DUH, makes sense I've completely screwed my hormones up.
I've had metabolic blood work done about 4-weeks ago, Kidneys are fine, liver is slightly elevated, cholesterol is 140, and my HDL obviously is a little less than desirable.
I know I need to get hormonal blood work, basically everything, Test, Free Test, SHBG, Prolactin, DHEA, DHT, E2, LH, FSH
1. Is it pointless to get such a huge hormonal panel now? OR Should I just suck it up, start my PCT and wait 4, or 6-weeks then get such a huge panel?
2. How completely fkd am I? I realize my stupidity, I just kept looking in the mirror and I've had an amazing run - but now it's time to pay the piper right?
3. CAN I actually recover, or am I in TRT land now?
4. Ostarine, should I add this?
5. HGH Should I add this to my PCT?
6. IGF-1 Should I add this to my PCT? IF YES, what dosage schedule amount/days...?
7. Proviron - should I take this for the next week to inhibit SHBG before jumping off test?
My PCT I was going to start on Day-3 last Test Prop/HCG pin (this upcoming Monday 12/26):
Clomid - 100mg 1st week, split into 50mg doses AM/PM, then 75mgs Week 2, 50mgs Week 3-4, 25mg Week 5 & 6
Tamox - 20 mg EOD
D-Aspartic Acid 12grams Weeks 1-3, 9 grams Weeks 4-5, 6-grams Weeks 6-9
Fish Oil - Increase from 6 caps to 12 a day
I take a bevy of other supplements already, kidney support, saw palmetto, b12, stinging nettle, calcium, zinc, etc. All individually don't take a multi-V, so I'm good there. Just SOP for me.
With respect to Tamoxifen or AIs I find my by body is VERY sensitive to estrogen levels being reduced. Joints ache, lethargy, no sex drive, etc. We all know estrogen is key to cycles, to I worry about crushing my estrogen with so much Tamox during PCT.
My thoughts, Tamox @20mg EOD instead of EVERY day.
Any input?
Honestly, been around the block on this stuff, had a great time, I fkd up I know, I need input, help, support to provide me a path forward on next steps to a "non-inject" day-to-day bodybuilding lifestyle - did it for YEARS prior.
As far as my body, wow, talk about re-comp. I start this cycle at 207 5'11 around 13% bodyfat, ended at 205 at 8-9% bodyfat. However I was up to 216lbs at the 14-week mark - SO my ARs are smoked clearly.
I have VERY little body fat now. I eat like a mad man and can't put on any weight it seems, I've dialed my workouts down to 4-day split, I do no cardio except 20-min walks 3x a week. I just can't STOP eating, and gain NO weight. Weird. I track my calories, averaging 3,600 cals a day, macros are on average 50% protein, 35% carbs, 15% fat (counting fish oil).
Please help.