Waiting Time Between Meals?


New member
It seems waiting 2-3 hours between meals is common. I was wondering when does the waiting time start after you finish your meal or when you start? So for example if I have Meal 2 at 1:00pm and I'm done at 1:15pm so if I want to wait 2 hrs, does Meal 3 start at 3:00pm or 3:15pm ?
when you finish, but meal frequency doesn't really make a difference. just get your calories in bro (with a healthy ratio of course)
so you mean it's not necessary to wait 2-3 hours between meals? i heard somebody on this forum say he considers anything under 2 hrs a waste. The thing is that for a while I was eating every 90 min. or so because I wake up late and having 6 meals a day it ends up being midnight. Though lately I'm trying to adjust my schedule to wait a full 2 hrs because I thought it was necessary. In a way it makes sense because your body needs time to absorb and take in all the nutrients doesn't it? If I eat 50 g. of protein in my meal, i probably have to wait a certain period of time for my body to process it all? I think that's the reason for waiting isn't it?
Do what works for your body, but in terms of the science, there haven't been any studies to support it. You're on the right track with your thinking, in a way.

You're correct it takes time to digest the calories from a meal, but thats not why people say wait. usually waiting is just an issue of preference. Think about it. back when we were cavemen, our ancestors would have times of extreme famine, then have insane feasts (after a successful hunt for example) they eat as much as possible as quickly as possible. If the body was only able to process say 50 grams of protein in an hour and the rest wasted, we wouldn't be here today.

think about some great bb's like arnold and ronnie. their diets were insane, they ate more in one meal than a lot of people would eat in a day. if they had to only eat a certain number of calories, then wait for digestion, they would literally be up 24/7!

tldr- meal frequency does not have an effect on body weight. it may affect hunger levels or energy levels, but it won't effect how much weight you gain/lose.
ok that's awesome for me then, i'm able to eat quicker don't like waiting especially when i have errands and things to do the waiting period messes me up. so just for information i've also seen several people say that about protein shakes, to not drink more than 50g worth of protein at once that your body can't process it, and i mean i've seen a lot of people say this on different forums etc. are they misinformed? or is protein shake something different maybe since it's not real food so it's correct in that sense that you shouldn't drink more than a certain amount at once?
ok that's awesome for me then, i'm able to eat quicker don't like waiting especially when i have errands and things to do the waiting period messes me up. so just for information i've also seen several people say that about protein shakes, to not drink more than 50g worth of protein at once that your body can't process it, and i mean i've seen a lot of people say this on different forums etc. are they misinformed? or is protein shake something different maybe since it's not real food so it's correct in that sense that you shouldn't drink more than a certain amount at once?
The rumour that you're body can't absorb more than X grams of protein at once is bullshit. In general, real food > protein powder, with the exception being post WO and possibly pre WO.
yeah eating every 2-3 hours seems to make a difference for me

but i try not to overthink things like wether to include the time it takes to eat etc ...