wanna know bF %


arnold is king!!!!!!!!
on 8th week of test cyp getting fat what do u guys think my bf % is???

good advice drew, the pic, r not to clear, but looking at ur calf I guess roughly 10 % and under,
Problems i see at first glance:

1. Zebra-striped phone
2. Hat crooked
3. Boxer briefs too low
4. Messy ass room

On second glance, I would guess your BF around 12-13%. But its hard to tell, especially seeing that calf pic of yours. Only way to tell is have it measured PROPERLY.
my legs r cut but noway my upper body is 10% i thought like 18-20 no abs and love handles

you're not that high, but i wouldn't say 10% either. Like i said, get it measured. Even a 7point caliper will get you close.

Also, check with local universities. Alot of physiology programs have dunk tanks or visit them a few times a year to test subjects BF%. Its usually free as your being used as a guinea pig anyway.
why the fuck are there like 50 whats my bf% threads? LOL! ever college campus has some type of althletic science dept and they usually have dunk tanks if you want to get precise, otherwise use some calipers rather than asking a bunch of meatheads on a bbing board to 'guess your bf%"LOL!

seeing that you are flexing and arms are totally covering majority of your body, if i had to guess id say about 13%. do a front relaxed shot, even then its not exact.
you're not that high, but i wouldn't say 10% either. Like i said, get it measured. Even a 7point caliper will get you close.

Also, check with local universities. Alot of physiology programs have dunk tanks or visit them a few times a year to test subjects BF%. Its usually free as your being used as a guinea pig anyway.

sorry 90210, i totally copied your post with out realizing it, i often post vbefore reading every single reply in the thread
for a rough estimate, I got one of those scales that uses a biometric shock or some shit like that to see your BF. Mines pretty accurate, usually +/- 2% after doing my Body fat with calipers and tape measure.
problems i see at first glance:

1. Zebra-striped phone
2. Hat crooked
3. Boxer briefs too low
4. Messy ass room

on second glance, i would guess your bf around 12-13%. But its hard to tell, especially seeing that calf pic of yours. Only way to tell is have it measured properly.

Problems i see at first glance:

1. Zebra-striped phone
2. Hat crooked
3. Boxer briefs too low
4. Messy ass room


Classic and so very true. Why the F do people turn hats sideways? I remember when I was 14-17 ( I am 30 now) when kids wore hats that way it was because they suffered a form of mental retardation & or downs.

Clean your room and wear your hat like a normal kid.

Bf I would think about 12ish-13
Personally i wouldnt worry about body fat just yet id worry about stuffin ur face and getting some mass man.