Wanting to buy a post cycle therapy (pct) from legit company....


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Wanting to buy a PCT from legit company....

I have researched and cannot find where to buy... Dont know if I am missing something or it is against the rules to even ask... But I am looking to buy Clomid and Nolva from a reputable company with no script... PM me or post please. Thanks!
I have researched and cannot find where to buy... Dont know if I am missing something or it is against the rules to even ask... But I am looking to buy Clomid and Nolva from a reputable company with no script... PM me or post please. Thanks!

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but why didn't you have your PCT meds on hand before you started your cycle? If you did your research like you say you did you must have read that having everything on hand before starting is an imperative.
Ive found several online pharms to order both and have a few weeks prior to starting my PCT... So wasnt sweatin' it....but just want to make sure Im not ordering from a company that I shouldnt be. Yes Ive done the research and yes, I as well as plenty of others could probably do more to further their education on cycles. You are right though, I should have had in hand prior to starting the cycle.

Just looking for a repuatable company to purchase my PCT for research purposes.
Ive found several online pharms to order both and have a few weeks prior to starting my PCT... So wasnt sweatin' it....but just want to make sure Im not ordering from a company that I shouldnt be. Yes Ive done the research and yes, I as well as plenty of others could probably do more to further their education on cycles. You are right though, I should have had in hand prior to starting the cycle.

Just looking for a repuatable company to purchase my PCT for research purposes.

Don't order from an overseas company. It could take a month to get your order. Stay domestic.
Just order from RUI (banner at top). You cant go wrong with them. Top quality. Plus for pct I like how their clomid is dosed at 70mg/ml. That way you can do 70mg/day the first week then drop down to 35mg/day the rest of your post cycle therapy (pct). Nice effective dose rather than doing 100mg/day first week and 50mg/day the rest. Best of luck.
I ordered from RUI for other stuff already... They had quick shipping and good prices for sure. Wish they carried pill form, but liquid will work. Just might have to mix it with something because I heard the liquids are NASTY! lol... Thanks guys!
I ordered from RUI for other stuff already... They had quick shipping and good prices for sure. Wish they carried pill form, but liquid will work. Just might have to mix it with something because I heard the liquids are NASTY! lol... Thanks guys!

if their clomid/nolva is anything like prami/albu, then you can't go wrong. Prami/Albu taste pretty good actually.::D
I ordered from RUI for other stuff already... They had quick shipping and good prices for sure. Wish they carried pill form, but liquid will work. Just might have to mix it with something because Iwikrd the liquids are NASTY! lol... Thanks guys!

Make your own pills!
i agree, the liquid orals are horrible tasting and ruin my mouth for hours. I cant taste anything and my stomach feels like shit. But rui is legit and works.

A 00 cap will hold 1ml of liquid(or very very close to it). It takes seconds to fill and cap the pill. I've let a full cap sit for a couple minutes and the liquid didn't melt the cap in my hand.
Make your own pills!
i agree, the liquid orals are horrible tasting and ruin my mouth for hours. I cant taste anything and my stomach feels like shit. But rui is legit and works.

A 00 cap will hold 1ml of liquid(or very very close to it). It takes seconds to fill and cap the pill. I've let a full cap sit for a couple minutes and the liquid didn't melt the cap in my hand.

Nothing like a mouthful of rui nolva and clomid.
Tastes nasty but does the job.
Gotta dilute the shit.