weight gain shakes and whole food?


New member
everyone says whole food is better than shakes, but I probably eat around 2.5k-3k calories a day (counting milk/oj/) which isn't alot, I don't care what weight I gain i just want to gain quick.

started to take real mass along with my cals, real mass has 1060 cals in just water, so with milk that's around 1200, just rounding down haha, and I just started mixing a lot of whole food in there, and most likely got 2k more cals from just one weight gain shake

it was like

4 scoops+milk=1200
+1 cup oats=1500
+4 tb peanut butter= like 1750

I don't know if i should count the whole oats because even know i taste the oats most of them are broken down but some get stuck to the sides

basically my question here is, do you count all calories? people say weight gain shakes are bad, but do you still count them? because if I eat 3k cals or w//e, + one of these i'll be hitting 4k+ cals a day
Just curious as why this never got answered? I've wondered the same thing. I know I can't do it while I'm dieting, but would this work if you put the oats and pb in there? Would it help more than just a whey shake?
If your counting calories then yes... It has calories doesn't it?

Also I generally think weight gainers are shit because they're full of sugar and artificial ingredients. If you're that hellbent on taking mass gainer shakes then just throw a bunch of real food in a blender and make your own.