Weight loss & Clen Advice Please!


New member
I am looking for some advice on taking clenbuterol. I started taking the gel form two days ago (0.5ml) and intend to do a three week cycle getting to 1.5ml/day in the third week. Can someone please tell me the best way to use clen? I have recently lost 30kg, going from 120kg to 90kg now, am 30 yrs old and 175cm tall.
I have a pretty good diet (occassionally drink), excercise at the gym doing cardio 6 days a week (which includes 2 personal training sessions which I recently started) and walk for around 30mins every day. I hit a wall with my weight loss and am looking to kick it back into gear which is why I started on clen.
Any advice on how to get the best results would be fantastic! I weighed myself at the start of the week and since starting the scales have gone down 2.5kg. I'm also interested to find out how much weight loss is possible while on clen?
I only plan on using it properly, and currently not planning another cycle after this one, just wanted to get some info.
Thanks heaps!!
First of all.....you hit a wall with your weight loss for two reasons.

1) You're doing too much cardio
2) You're probably not eating enough

make sure you get some taurine as you're going to start cramping up....5g a day should be a good starting point

just use clen for 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off and only increase the dosage as long as you can tolerate the sides. 200mcg should be the max you'd want to go.

But seriously....start weening yourself off the cardio and increase your cals slowly. I wouldn't be surprised if you're metabolically damaged.
Adding muscle mass should help advance weight loss. Clen is at it's best when people are already in very good shape with low BF to begin with. Looks like its been several weeks. How did it go?
You can try fat burner for weight loss, best fat burner boosts metabolism and encourages various parts of the internal system to work harder, which increases the body temperature and burns excess fat. But always consult doctor of health expert before consuming them.
Exercise and diet plan is very important for getting better results!
Green tea is another best way for reducing fat!Drink more water.
St. Petersburg gym
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I am getting clen this week for the first time and would like some advice.
I'm 34, 5"3 and weigh 77kg. I go to gym 5 days a week and do a mix of cardio and weights.
My diet is:
Breakfast - 175g forme yoghurt, 30g body shape museli and a skim weak coffee.
Snack - 100g celery, 100g light cottage cheese
Lunch - 75g lettuce, 100g chicken, 100g sweet potatoe, 30g mushroom, 85g capsicum, 40g flaxseed oil as dressing
Dinner - 100g fish, 45g cauliflower, 50g beans, 30g brocolli, 100g zucchini
I may also have tea with dash of skim milk or a chai made with dash of milk.

Is this diet ok?
What is the best cycle for the Clen?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks :)