Weight loss problem during PCT


Mini Rocky
So mid week of week two of my PCT of Clomid and Nolva I started losing rapid weight. I understood this would be water weight etc so was cool with it. But each day it seemed like i'd lower a little. I was eating around 3200 calories, which on cycle was a small surplus of maybe 200-300. Anyways I decided if im dropping weight to up calories. So the past week and half I havnt kept up with all my calories. I ended up raising it too 3500, but I believe some days I may have went higher. I weighed myself thinking id be heavier, and oddly enough I went down a little more. I am a few days from finishing up post cycle therapy (pct). During PCT some of my lifts have went up, most are stable, and a few went down. Some that are stable feel a tad heavier. Should I eat more then? Even though 3500 should have gained me weight?