Don't know much about Animal stack but BCAA powder is nice. Helps recovery in return will help growth because you will be stronger in your work-outs. It's a bit pricey but does work well. Sip 10mg's before work-out, 10mg's during and 10 after in PWO shake.
Superdol, M-1T and other pro-hormones are dangerous. They gave two of my friends gyno and made them bald and are brutal on the liver. If your over 30 you would be better off with test.
Superfoods is also a damn nice Sup but also pricey. You can get it at GNC. It has 4gr. of dietary fiber and boatloads of anti-oxidant's.
Keep in mind most suppliments are a rip off, don't buy into the hype and the pro BBers in the ads raving about them.