what are your thoughts?

My high school prom is on march 23rd should i take creatine and protien and train hard to gain muscle is it possible to cut before then or how should i do this?
yes its possible to gain and cut in that amount of time. I would suggest 1.5 gms protein per bodyweight ed, cell tech creatine 20 mg first 5 days, 10mg ed after, and take some glutamine and taurine. Train hard and do cardio 30 minutes 5 days a week and you should see good results.
joltan said:
yes its possible to gain and cut in that amount of time. I would suggest 1.5 gms protein per bodyweight ed, cell tech creatine 20 mg first 5 days, 10mg ed after, and take some glutamine and taurine. Train hard and do cardio 30 minutes 5 days a week and you should see good results.

sorry meant grams not mg.
Why would u have to CUT when on Protein??
Do u even know how well creatine works on u? I meen in water retention? If u dont gain much water then there is no reason to cut, and Protein will sertainly not make u fat.
joltan said:
yes its possible to gain and cut in that amount of time. I would suggest 1.5 gms protein per bodyweight ed, cell tech creatine 20 mg first 5 days, 10mg ed after, and take some glutamine and taurine. Train hard and do cardio 30 minutes 5 days a week and you should see good results.

The only thing right in that statement is the protein part and Taurine. Cell Tech is overprices sugar. If he is cutting it will not help. He is better off going with a new creatine that does not need carbs for uptake.

He would also be fine doing 3 days of cardio instead of 5 if he does it right. HIIT is the best approach. Glutamine is not worth the money. Essential amino acids would be a plus.