what cycle can i run ? advice needed


New member
Hi, my goal is to put at least 10 lbs of muscle , i dont care if they are 10 lean pound of mass or 15 with water .
My first cycle was 500mg test , and my 2nd was 250mg test and 350 tren a.

The compound i can use are :
Test cyp

I have AI , for prolactin can have bromo, liv52 for orals , hcg , clomid and nolva pct.

What can i use ? and what dosages you recommend ?
1. 5'9" 165lbs 9%bf
2. because when the cycle is finished the water will go away so it's the same i dont care if i look a bit bloated (i will try to avoid too much bloat with AI)
3. you're right, fortunatly was low dose so i had 0 sides, only sweet everytime
10lbs of lean mass or 15lbs of water but you don't care? How old are you, you sound young? Way to early for tren and not many here are going to advise you till you post your stats!
10lbs of lean mass or 15lbs of water but you don't care? How old are you, you sound young? Way to early for tren and not many here are going to advise you till you post your stats!

not 15lbs of water , if you read i wrote 15 with water ( like 10 muscle and 5 of water)

I'm 27
Can I ask why you jumped to tren on cycle 2? Seems like most folks collect a few cycles before taking the tren plunge.

How did your first test only cycle go for you?
There is no reason why i did tren on 2nd, i just did it...
First cycle only test went good but bloated a lot ( didnt use well the ai, probably for that) i gained like 18 lbs and kept 11
1. 5'9" 165lbs 9%bf

you had me with this.

pictures please, i don't want to see your face, but do want to see what you look like.

at 74kgs you have virtually no muscle mass on yourself, so you're either
1/ skinny, look like you've never trained and are taking steroids as a magic pill
2/ at least 20% body fat and never eaten a great diet
you had me with this.

pictures please, i don't want to see your face, but do want to see what you look like.

at 74kgs you have virtually no muscle mass on yourself, so you're either
1/ skinny, look like you've never trained and are taking steroids as a magic pill
2/ at least 20% body fat and never eaten a great diet
agree with this.
you had me with this.

pictures please, i don't want to see your face, but do want to see what you look like.

at 74kgs you have virtually no muscle mass on yourself, so you're either
1/ skinny, look like you've never trained and are taking steroids as a magic pill
2/ at least 20% body fat and never eaten a great diet

wtf ? LOL i'll post photo
you had me with this.

pictures please, i don't want to see your face, but do want to see what you look like.

at 74kgs you have virtually no muscle mass on yourself, so you're either
1/ skinny, look like you've never trained and are taking steroids as a magic pill
2/ at least 20% body fat and never eaten a great diet

I'm stuck on this...^^^^^ also.

By EVERYTHING You have said and asked it is apparent you have no clue as to how to train , eat and what the use of AAS is all about.

You have refused to answer the Q' of age. Why , I guess it is because you are too young OR you are ashamed of being so naïve and ignorant at what age you are.:flamingma

So how many calories a day ???
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you had me with this.

pictures please, i don't want to see your face, but do want to see what you look like.

at 74kgs you have virtually no muscle mass on yourself, so you're either
1/ skinny, look like you've never trained and are taking steroids as a magic pill
2/ at least 20% body fat and never eaten a great diet

i'm hp 0 at 9% bf and you say skinny? or fat? my diet is very good i track every single meal and all i eat every day
So what the problem might be here OP is you don't know how to put on weight and build muscle. There is no magic pill because if you can't do that naturally at a young age ( you are I believe) then you will not be successful with AAS.

It takes eating , training and rest first before AAS. When you reach your natty potential then add the AAS and stimulate the synthesis of the protein (food) into muscle at a higher rate then natural rate.

We can't help you if you don't help us to help you , AND that's what we do here.
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So what the problem might be here OP is you don't know how to put on weight and build muscle. There is no magic pill because if you can't do that naturally at a young age ( you are I believe) then you will not be successful with AAS.

It takes eating , training and rest first before AAS. When you reach your natty potential then add the AAS and stimulate the synthesis of the protein (food) into muscle at a higher then natural rate.

We can't help you if you don't help us to help you , AND that's what we do here.

i said my age , i should put on some glasses
Some photos , im not that big but calling me skinny or fat... im an ectomorph , i dont have thick bones so that's why i dont weight a lot.

Sorry for the quality
that's cool mate, but I don't believe you.

I posted photos.

My diet for now is 3300kcal a day (my maintenance should be around 2800) : 206g protein , 413g carb , 92g fat.
I eat a lot of carbs because right now im training for strengh