What diet and medical aids are must when using anabolic steroids?

Kevin Maverick

New member
What diet and medical aids are must when using anabolic steroids?
Am planning on running a eq only cycle,how should i do it?
I just wanna preserve the muscle mass..am 5.11 187 pounds
Give some advice guys.thanks in advance
Equipoise can and will cause a suppression of your hormones. i.e. endogenous testosterone. You need to use Testosterone in any cycle. WITHOUT it sexual dysfunction and other side effects will take place.

Read the "sticky" guides posted in the anabolic steroid section and educate yourself further. People here are not going to waste there time helping you, if you do not read and respect the information that is there for beginners.

All first time cycles advised consist of Testosterone only . (AI + Pct)
Equipoise can and will cause a suppression of your hormones. i.e. endogenous testosterone. You need to use Testosterone in any cycle. WITHOUT it sexual dysfunction and other side effects will take place.

Read the "sticky" guides posted in the anabolic steroid section and educate yourself further. People here are not going to waste there time helping you, if you do not read and respect the information that is there for beginners.

All first time cycles advised consist of Testosterone only . (AI + Pct)

Thanks man..what are the must medical aids should i use?
yr s training

what medical aids are u talking about ?
the fact u would run eq only screams" I am clueless........"
am 5.11 weighing 187 lbs and age 22 training for 2 yrs,this is my first cycle and i read the sticky guides and they are very useful,now i,ve decided to start with test enanthate alone for 10 - 12weeks and after 14days start my pct with nolva or clomid.
What i wanna know is,how much protein,carbs and fat and also what kind of pills or supplements should i use to minimize the side effects or kidney/liver toxicity stuff like that?
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in our diet section is all your answers

as you are only doing test liver kidney support should not be necessary

eat your ass off 1 gram protein for every kilo is to maintain at a minimum to grow you d increase it of course. If you eat a balanced diet your vitamins should be all in there.

3j is the diet expert.

How is your body fat..my avi is me it s current. I m easily 12 percent so...

5 11 at 187..good numbers...you have not nearly peaked; you can grow w o aas but if your set on doing em test for 12 at 500 is just right

post a pic


nice V shape !

You ll gain weight in your legs AND squats will increase your size everywhere as it s a mo fo to do but will pack on the weight.

As lean as you are I d focus on compound movements...the big 3 plus military, weighted dips etc. DO NOT DO 21 sets chest and 15 sets bi s unless u r training them 1 a week or 2 in a 10 day cycle.

U have a genetic base to be a Frank Zane in 5 yr s and 60 pounds.
What diet and medical aids are must when using anabolic steroids?
Am planning on running a eq only cycle,how should i do it?
I just wanna preserve the muscle mass..am 5.11 187 pounds
Give some advice guys.thanks in advance

Food.. Lots and lots of high quality protein

Also, EQ should be ran with test.. It doesn't aromatize a ton, but running it with test you'll need an AI as well
Dude looks ok as a natty probably 14% bf and decent size. The test cycle would do. You are kind of young but it is your choice and know that with every cycle comes the possibility of permanent shutdown. You should be fine, just get some HCG and run it throughout the cycle. Make sure you take some arimidex on cycle to keep estro in check