What do ya'll think about Ricky Williams applying for reinstatement?


New member
Do you think the NFL should let him play again? I personally do, i mean hell, there are convicted felons running around there. Afterall, Ricky Williams wasnt kicked out of the NFL, he retired, the two cases of being caught with marijuana dont have a factor in the retirement, supposedly. So, if other players could retire and come back, such as Michael Jordan or coached like Bill Parcels can comeback after retirement, why not Ricky? Do you think that Ricky will be allowed back in?
I also see no reason why not. Shit, if I was facing a bill for several million dollars, I'd suit up too. And I really don't give a shit if he likes to toke, it has nothing to do with being a running back and is less harmful than alcohol or tobacco.
i agree. ricky just seems like the kind of guy that hates all the comotion. ive seen some interviews and he has a fear of public places. if they said forget it you dont have to play he would still be hiding and wed probably never hear of him again, they way he wants it. but he still left while under contract so he should at least fulfill his contract and then quit
Personally I think he is a JOKE and a disgrace to the NFL, he let his team down when they needed him the most!!! Hell, if I were on the team I would not want him back!
BUFFDAWG10 said:
Personally I think he is a JOKE and a disgrace to the NFL, he let his team down when they needed him the most!!! Hell, if I were on the team I would not want him back!
Barry Sanders ripped off the Lions for millions back when he walked away and nobody said shit. Futhermore, he was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Ricky Williams is an unfortunate victim of the "drug war", which is actually a subset of the "war on freedoms". I think you may have discovered this yourself -- the hard way.
I agree with Ricky's reasons, but his timing couldn't have been worse. You can't let your teammates down like that after all the free agents are gone. At least suck it up for the year and play ball. He'll be traded in the offseason the Oakland, sit his 4 game suspension and rack up the yards.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ricky's a martyr.
it looks like his agents have come to an agreement and he will be reinstated after serving that 4 game suspension. i am positive that the dolphins dont want him and will not play him, they will trade him, probably for a second rounder
Looks like he's not coming back after all. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/spt/stories/120304dnspowilliams.d72d3.html

Williams rejects NFL's deal allowing his return

11:37 AM CST on Thursday, December 2, 2004

Associated Press

MIAMI - Ricky Williams rejected a deal that would have allowed him to serve a four-game drug suspension this season and return to the NFL next year.

"Ricky indicated to me that he is no longer interested in resuming his career at this time," Williams' lawyer, David Cornwell, said in a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press on Thursday.

The 1998 Heisman Trophy winner from the University of Texas needed to let the league know by Thursday so he could be moved from the retired list to the suspended list by the deadline. He would have served the suspension for the Miami Dolphins' final four games, starting Dec. 12 at Denver.

"David Cornwell informed our office that Ricky Williams has declined to accept the terms of his reinstatement," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said.

Dolphins spokesman Harvey Greene wouldn't comment, saying the matter is between Williams and the NFL.

Williams, 27, stunned his team by retiring shortly before Miami opened training camp in July. The Dolphins filed a lawsuit in federal court against the running back, seeking the $8.6 million an arbitrator ruled he owes the team for breaching his contract. Williams is fighting the decision.

He is now enrolled in a 17-month course at the California College of Ayurveda in Grass Valley, Calif., studying holistic medicine.
Slick Arrado said:
Looks like he's not coming back after all. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/spt/stories/120304dnspowilliams.d72d3.html

Williams rejects NFL's deal allowing his return

11:37 AM CST on Thursday, December 2, 2004

Associated Press

MIAMI - Ricky Williams rejected a deal that would have allowed him to serve a four-game drug suspension this season and return to the NFL next year.

"Ricky indicated to me that he is no longer interested in resuming his career at this time," Williams' lawyer, David Cornwell, said in a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press on Thursday.

The 1998 Heisman Trophy winner from the University of Texas needed to let the league know by Thursday so he could be moved from the retired list to the suspended list by the deadline. He would have served the suspension for the Miami Dolphins' final four games, starting Dec. 12 at Denver.

"David Cornwell informed our office that Ricky Williams has declined to accept the terms of his reinstatement," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said.

Dolphins spokesman Harvey Greene wouldn't comment, saying the matter is between Williams and the NFL.

Williams, 27, stunned his team by retiring shortly before Miami opened training camp in July. The Dolphins filed a lawsuit in federal court against the running back, seeking the $8.6 million an arbitrator ruled he owes the team for breaching his contract. Williams is fighting the decision.

He is now enrolled in a 17-month course at the California College of Ayurveda in Grass Valley, Calif., studying holistic medicine.

I'm glad he stuck to his word. Fuck the NFL. I hope they're glad now. Miami's really done well without him. It's the NFL's fault that Miami is doing bad. If they had more of a relaxed weed policy like the NBA, or none at all like major league baseball then Ricky wouldn't have left. Serves their ass right. I miss seeing him run, but I'm glad he's doing what he's doing.
Hawaiian Silky said:
I'm glad he stuck to his word. Fuck the NFL. I hope they're glad now. Miami's really done well without him. It's the NFL's fault that Miami is doing bad. If they had more of a relaxed weed policy like the NBA, or none at all like major league baseball then Ricky wouldn't have left. Serves their ass right. I miss seeing him run, but I'm glad he's doing what he's doing.

Quite the weed advocate, aren't you? :D
LankyNibs said:
Barry Sanders ripped off the Lions for millions back when he walked away and nobody said shit. Futhermore, he was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Ricky Williams is an unfortunate victim of the "drug war", which is actually a subset of the "war on freedoms". I think you may have discovered this yourself -- the hard way.
you can,t carry a team forever..this guy was a highlight real every game.....he,s burn,t justa guess :druggie:
LankyNibs said:
Barry Sanders ripped off the Lions for millions back when he walked away and nobody said shit. Futhermore, he was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Ricky Williams is an unfortunate victim of the "drug war", which is actually a subset of the "war on freedoms". I think you may have discovered this yourself -- the hard way.

Barry did do the same thing but come on! A victim? PLEASE . . . He's a big boy who decided that instead of treating his mental condition who is going to fire it up whenever he feels insecure about himself. I don't buy it . .
He definitely had a potentially great career going for him.
I'm disapointed for his drug use, and pretty embarrased of it as a Dolphins' fan.
The timing of his departure was way off as well.

If I were a NFL GM, which I am not... I would not take him on my time. I'll take the 4-12 record instead...