This is a bit of an old thread but I wanted to add this....ANYTHING with the term "homeopathic" in it is completly a waste of money.
"Homeopathy" is the idea that somehow some magical "energy" of a substances stays in whatever solution it's mixed into no matter how much you dillute the mixture.
Meaning I can buy a bottle of HGH with say 30IU in it..And I could sell 10,000 bottles of "homeopathic" growth hormone with that by dilluting it down into gallons and gallons of water and claiming the "energy" or "vibrations" from the original substance is somehow still there magically.(Even if there isn't a single molecule of the original substance left in the mixture)
As absurd as it seems,Homeopaths consider the more you dillute a substance down the more powerful it is! As much as that makes absolutely no sense...It's what they claim.
So anytime anything says "homeopathic" on it..It's a 100% waste of money rip off fraud gimmik gag piece of crap.
This doesn't only include supplements it also includes things like medicines(And yes,I'm supprised there isn't a law against people doing this) but they actually sell homeopathic medicines to sick people,Where obviously there is no physical possibility the homoephatic medicine could possibly work...The sellers get money and the buyers stay sick.