what do you think?


New member
Week 1-12 600mg EQ
Week 1-12 200mg enanthate
Week 3-16 200iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) E4D
Week 16-20 50mg clomid ED
Week 1-20 10mg Aromasin ED
hey all,
im thinkin of a test prop an tren ace course stacked wid dbol an tamoxifen? av tryd this b4 without the dbol an it wasnt great? anyone else give me any tips on gettin huge with nt much fat gain?
Thank you brother bundy! Yea I joined in 08 lol I know I should know more ha ha thanks for the tips though will do!! You think I should up the hcg though?
Thank you brother bundy! Yea I joined in 08 lol I know I should know more ha ha thanks for the tips though will do!! You think I should up the hcg though?

I dont use hcg my nutz dont really shrink so i dont know to much about it to be honest.Now when ill be running 19nors u bet your ass ill be doing some big time research on hcg.Who knows mayb one day you will help meeeee with that lol
Yea your right I'll read up on hcg some more!! Have you everyone a eq or deca based cycle? From what I have read the can put your balls into hiding if your not careful!
Yea your right I'll read up on hcg some more!! Have you everyone a eq or deca based cycle? From what I have read the can put your balls into hiding if your not careful!

any cycle I will run the base will always be test I love how it makes me feel.Everything else is just a side dish except TREN
hey brother bundy
im real new to this site and dont knw how to start a thread? all i want is advice, as im inexperianced with these cycles
Yea your right I'll read up on hcg some more!! Have you everyone a eq or deca based cycle? From what I have read the can put your balls into hiding if your not careful!
Gyno (balls shrinking) is different than deca Dick. I do 200iu's of HCG 2x per week to keep gyno from happening. Not everyone does this. Some people believe in using HCG on cycle, and some don'
Deca Dick is when you can't get it up, and your labido is in the shitter. This shouldn't happen as long as you are doing test with your deca. If you were doing a deca only cycle, you might need some cabergoline to stop the deca Dick.
Gyno (balls shrinking) is different than deca Dick. I do 200iu's of HCG 2x per week to keep gyno from happening. Not everyone does this. Some people believe in using HCG on cycle, and some don'
Deca Dick is when you can't get it up, and your labido is in the shitter. This shouldn't happen as long as you are doing test with your deca. If you were doing a deca only cycle, you might need some cabergoline to stop the deca Dick.

wtf is gyno balls