what form of AAS will give a more refined jawline?

Practice some sucking exercises your jaw will be ripped. You find the equipment for this in the men's bathroom at your local gym. Just walk in and ask the guys in there to help.
On a more serious note :
A study was done that showed women are more sexually attracted to men with more defined jaw lines.. It was stated that this is because a defined jaw line is a sign that the man has developed through into adulthood with higher amounts of testosterone.. For procreation and survival instincts the women is naturally more attracted to men with higher amounts of test (greater chance of child bearing and protective mechanisms for the women)..

I read this a loooooong time ago - not sure I'll find it again
I don't want to run test next cycle does tren help just like test?

Test has to be ran on EVERY cycle--

Naturally high levels of testosterone through your years of development is what plays a role in this-- I think it's a little too late for you as your bone structure is already pretty much developed
Thx Milton if it was you now how about one of those little trophies prince wont tell me what it means lol
have someone break your jaw, walk into the hospital and get it reconstructed for free using ur insurance LOL