Typically lets say that i went on a 10 week cycle and started @ 250 lb.
Maintencence: 3,750 kcals (50/35/15) Diet
Weeks 1 - 2..........4,000 kcals (40/40/20) Diet
Weeks 3 - 10.......4,500 kcals (40/40/20) Diet
Lets Say i end up @ 265 lb (maintanence - 3,975 kcals)
Post Cycle I would most likely add a small amount of clen for two weeks (along with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and nolvadex). 4 week post cycle.
4,250 kcals - (50/35/15) Diet..........First 2 weeks
4,000 kcals - (50/35/15) Diet..........Typically till start of next cycle.
Most of my cycles are longer now (16 - 24 weeks) so the way i come off gear and my nutrition is different, but when i was starting out this was pretty much the way i went about it. I typically didn't lose anything. Maybe a little water but that didn't concern me. This also allowed me to not add much fat after coming off.