What/How much does everyone eat during PCT?


New member
How much do you guys eat during post cycle therapy (pct) vs. when on cycle?

Do you still load up on protein?

What do you mean bro....you eat the same or if you can eat more!!! Why wouldn't you eat more protein?
Would you just eat a tons while on a cycle then when you get off stop eating....c'mon dude get serious.
Typically lets say that i went on a 10 week cycle and started @ 250 lb.

Maintencence: 3,750 kcals (50/35/15) Diet

Weeks 1 - 2..........4,000 kcals (40/40/20) Diet
Weeks 3 - 10.......4,500 kcals (40/40/20) Diet

Lets Say i end up @ 265 lb (maintanence - 3,975 kcals)

Post Cycle I would most likely add a small amount of clen for two weeks (along with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and nolvadex). 4 week post cycle.

4,250 kcals - (50/35/15) Diet..........First 2 weeks
4,000 kcals - (50/35/15) Diet..........Typically till start of next cycle.

Most of my cycles are longer now (16 - 24 weeks) so the way i come off gear and my nutrition is different, but when i was starting out this was pretty much the way i went about it. I typically didn't lose anything. Maybe a little water but that didn't concern me. This also allowed me to not add much fat after coming off.
Your right fatchops I see what your saying about eating as much.

I just wasn't sure how the body handles that much food when not on cycle. What happens to all that excess protein? Can your body really make use of that much protein when not on cycle?

I'm thinking of running clen post cycle. How did you run it?