Breakfast: 6 egg whites + salsa and a glass of skim milk
OR: cereal on a day im running late and a cereal bar to eat on the way
AND some form of fruit
snack: protein bar with 31p 19c 8f
lunch: Either a sandwhich on wheat bread with half pound of turkey + slice of cheese+ Lettuce + mayo&mustard
Or a can of tuna + wheat bread + mayo
Or a 1/3 pound hamburger with tomato, ketchup, lettuce.
and skim milk
and cottage cheese,
or potato chips
snack: protein shake with 22p 4c 1.5f (ProRated)
AND: lately its been a handful of pistachios and more skim milk, but varies with what i have around the house.
dinner: Either, 1/3-1/2 pound of lean ground beef as a hamburger (with tomatoes, lettuce, ketchup mayo.
Or 1/3-1/2 pound steak + veggies
Or 2 chicken breasts (or equivalent in other form of chicken) + veggie
Or spaghetti with big meatballs. + vegggiie
OR 1/3-1/2 pounf od salmon + veggie
And more skim milk with this.
Snack: Protein shake (usually only on the days that I work out, which is 4x a week)
and creatine, dextrose, glutamine
I am lookin for advice as to what to add. And I want to know if pistachios are good to be eating so much of. I weigh 164 on a bad day, and 170 on a good day. Im 6'0" I have a bf of probably around 11-15% (I really don't know, but I dont have excess fat.) I want to gain as much lean muscle mass as possible, and keep the fat still under control, or lose it all.
I am interested in being able to just drink my egg whites (egg whites taste disgusting, even cooked. And it would be faster to just drink them too.) What is teh brand name of that egg white product that you can just drink straight from the carton?
I would like to get some ideas as of either ready to eat foods, or foods that take a low effort to prepare to eat. Cooking steaks, hamburgers, chicken adn spaghetti is about as in depth I will get when cooking.
I know I need to add more cals to this diet, but I am running low on ideas, and I don't like eating things like "2 tblspons pnutbutter" and "1 cup whip cream".
I checked out the other posts, and some stickies at the top of the board, but they are all mostly geared towards guys that are twice my size. I am interetsed in what I should be eating for maximum gains, without popping my stomach.
OR: cereal on a day im running late and a cereal bar to eat on the way
AND some form of fruit
snack: protein bar with 31p 19c 8f
lunch: Either a sandwhich on wheat bread with half pound of turkey + slice of cheese+ Lettuce + mayo&mustard
Or a can of tuna + wheat bread + mayo
Or a 1/3 pound hamburger with tomato, ketchup, lettuce.
and skim milk
and cottage cheese,
or potato chips
snack: protein shake with 22p 4c 1.5f (ProRated)
AND: lately its been a handful of pistachios and more skim milk, but varies with what i have around the house.
dinner: Either, 1/3-1/2 pound of lean ground beef as a hamburger (with tomatoes, lettuce, ketchup mayo.
Or 1/3-1/2 pound steak + veggies
Or 2 chicken breasts (or equivalent in other form of chicken) + veggie
Or spaghetti with big meatballs. + vegggiie
OR 1/3-1/2 pounf od salmon + veggie
And more skim milk with this.
Snack: Protein shake (usually only on the days that I work out, which is 4x a week)
and creatine, dextrose, glutamine
I am lookin for advice as to what to add. And I want to know if pistachios are good to be eating so much of. I weigh 164 on a bad day, and 170 on a good day. Im 6'0" I have a bf of probably around 11-15% (I really don't know, but I dont have excess fat.) I want to gain as much lean muscle mass as possible, and keep the fat still under control, or lose it all.
I am interested in being able to just drink my egg whites (egg whites taste disgusting, even cooked. And it would be faster to just drink them too.) What is teh brand name of that egg white product that you can just drink straight from the carton?
I would like to get some ideas as of either ready to eat foods, or foods that take a low effort to prepare to eat. Cooking steaks, hamburgers, chicken adn spaghetti is about as in depth I will get when cooking.
I know I need to add more cals to this diet, but I am running low on ideas, and I don't like eating things like "2 tblspons pnutbutter" and "1 cup whip cream".
I checked out the other posts, and some stickies at the top of the board, but they are all mostly geared towards guys that are twice my size. I am interetsed in what I should be eating for maximum gains, without popping my stomach.