What is the BEST way to lose weight..


New member
Hey I have been losing and gaining weight randomly and I can't seem to find whats best for me. I was wondering if anyone could spend some time and help me out with all the details to losing weight.
All im good at is bulking up.. I seem to have no problem with that at all with my 30/30/40 diet. Now when dieting how much fat/carbs/protein % should I be taking and how much total calories in % should I be taking off from my bulking calories. I would like to know how much water per day I should drink, how much sodium I should take (when bulking and dieting) how much potassium I should take (when bulking and dieting). how many cheating days can I have. What are some good solid carbs fat protein I should be eating for my diet. And if theres anything else I I should know about my diet which I forgot to mention... I know im asking a lot of questions but I really would like to know about it all... thanks.
heres a good article to figure out your calorice needs and per gram needs of carbs/fat/protein:


drink plenty of water, .5-1.5 gallons, one cheat (or reward) day is essential as your body adapts to your diet and the reward day keeps your body from fully adapting when you add that cheesburger with bacon, or few beers, whatever....

keep a food log and track what times and how much you intake (as best you can)... premake any food you can and portion it out if you are able to...(ie. make tuna salad put in the fridge, grill up a bunch of chicken at a time (like 2-3 days worth) that can be easily reheated, fill up a gallon of water and put it in the fridge, etc...
dont go no carb... you'll rebound and carb crave and if you lose weight by going no carb, then go back to eating that way, you gain back more weight, bf%. Just try to keep carbs low based on the calculations from the article i posted, and eat them before 2-3pm (or before you stop being active)

for me, im 177, about 155 lbs lean muscle, my breakdown calculations work out to 457 calories from carbs a day, which equals about 115 g carbs/daily. I try to eat less than 75g/day, as i am also cutting and dropping bf%.
I also have a problem losing the weight on a "normal" type diet.....so what I did is a diet that bodybuilder I new when I was in Japan recommened to me...actually he preached about it!!!!!!! some of you may of heard of it cuz it's about 12 years old now I think its called BODYOPUS also known as a CKD(cylical ketogenic diet)........the basic of it is....eat no carbs sunday night through friday afternoon...after your friday depletion workout...you just eat and eat and eat mostly carbs all weekend it's like 70% carb 20% protein and 10% fat.....it takes about 2 weeks to get used to the diet and know if you are doing it right...I started it and lost about 2.5 inches on my waist in about 3 weeks...if you want more details let me know....cuz there is a lot more to this diet that you can do to make it work better
ecto is the original poster of the article, thx, i dont know why it doesnt work when i post it...nevertheless, its a great piece of info...
malibu350 said:
I also have a problem losing the weight on a "normal" type diet.....so what I did is a diet that bodybuilder I new when I was in Japan recommened to me...actually he preached about it!!!!!!! some of you may of heard of it cuz it's about 12 years old now I think its called BODYOPUS also known as a CKD(cylical ketogenic diet)........the basic of it is....eat no carbs sunday night through friday afternoon...after your friday depletion workout...you just eat and eat and eat mostly carbs all weekend it's like 70% carb 20% protein and 10% fat.....it takes about 2 weeks to get used to the diet and know if you are doing it right...I started it and lost about 2.5 inches on my waist in about 3 weeks...if you want more details let me know....cuz there is a lot more to this diet that you can do to make it work better
Don't mean to jump in on your post but here is a link to a forum where they explain the diet in great detail... http://c-k-d.com/forums/index.php
Every time my body weight starts to get out of control, I do the six small meals a day thing with an hour walk every chance I get (have your ipod ready)...that with your normal lifting, and you will look good in no time!