What is the leanest cut of beef?

Steak FTW...it's the only thing I can eat in large amounts and not get sick of. However it's quite pricey to eat 5 times a day plus it would probably kill you in a year lol!
Miss Muscle said:
Awesome. Sirloin it is then!!!! I'm tired of chicken, eggs, fish and cottage cheese. Besides, I like beef!! :elephant: :yumyum: :yumyum: :yumyum: :yumyum:
round or sirloin ftw but as info there are cuts of pork that are preety lean and make for a good change of pace .
Top Round (Called London Broil sometimes).. its REALLY tough, prob cause its so lean... if you marinate it for a few hours its good though.
love marinating london broil in worschester sauce and vinegar along with montreal steak seasoning and you have a damn good meal
dg1483 said:
love marinating london broil in worschester sauce and vinegar along with montreal steak seasoning and you have a damn good meal
Ha, that's almost exactly what I do, only use a little fat free italian in place of plain vinegar.